6 Podcast Marketing Strategies to Make your Show a Raving Success – Episode #206

If you’re looking for podcast marketing strategies to draw in and grow your audience this is the place to start. Over the years of podcasting, I’ve learned what does and doesn’t work. So today I’m going to share with you 6 things that will make your podcast a raving success. Are you ready to dive in?

Outline of this great episode

  • [0:35] Podcasting: 6 things that need to work together
  • [3:05] Know your niche!
  • [4:00] Unique ways to promote your podcast
  • [6:40] Make your show binge-worthy
  • [10:35] Give your tribe a place to “hang-out”
  • [13:00] Have a strong call-to-action in every episode
  • [17:25] Consistently produce content

Learn the ins and outs of podcast marketing

You want to promote your podcast on every social media channel possible: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter—whatever platform will work for you. Headliner is one of my favorite tools to promote on social media. You input your audio or video, add photos and captions, and in the end, you have a GREAT video to share on social media. Another great way to promote your podcast is to be a guest on other podcasts. It allows you to speak to a broader audience. In turn, you can host guests as well. Keep listening as I talk about search engine optimization with my friends at Podcast Fasttrack.

How do you make your show binge-worthy?

When I did the “I Love Madison” podcast it wasn’t as successful as I hoped it would be. Looking back, I realized the content was too informational. We talked about cool things like places to see and upcoming events but it wasn’t enough to make it binge-worthy. 

Your podcast needs to be entertaining, inspirational, and educational.

I believe if it’s missing those key things it will be a lot harder for you to succeed. A podcast that is FULL of meaningful content that generates a lot of buzz is a marketing strategy unto itself. So if you’re looking at launching a podcast brainstorm what you can do to make it binge-worthy.

Give your tribe a place to connect

You want to educate your listeners, help them feel empowered, and keep them engaged. I didn’t realize the importance of this concept in the beginning and it was a mistake. Your listeners NEED somewhere to talk about your content, ask questions, and interact with each other. One of the easiest ways to implement that? Start a Facebook group for your podcast. Something I love to do is host meetups like my Agent Rise Summit. There’s something powerful about meeting and interacting face-to-face with your tribe. 

Consistently produce new content for your listeners

Consistency is key. Decide on a schedule for your show, and stick to it 100%. Your listeners must know that without fail you will have an episode ready for them. I commit to a weekly show and recommend you do the same. Do not let it be daunting. It will be challenging in the beginning but there are so many ways you can generate content. You do not want your show to have dead air. Listen to the rest of this episode of Agent Rise for some of the easiest ways I come up with weekly content. 

Recommended Resources

Resources and Links mentioned in this episode

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And connect with me on ANY of the following social channels. I LOVE social!

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