Affordable Way To Provide Staging For Your Listings – Part 1 – Episode 356

Affordable Way To Provide Staging For Your Listings

Are you a real estate agent who would like to provide your sellers with staging services, but you can’t figure out how to do it in an affordable way?  Or maybe you’re like Neil, where you had some bad experiences with stagers, and you’re done with them.  The other solution that many agents are going with today, is adding staging to your list of services.   You do the staging, you have the knowledge to share with clients.  How do you do that, where do you start, and what are the pros and cons?  You’re going to love what Mindi has to share in this episode!  Get the notepad out!

Resources and Links mentioned in this episode

Resources and Links mentioned in this episode:

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Affordable Way To Provide Staging For Your Listings

Download "Secrets to Winning Listing Appointments"

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