How to build a real estate business “ON PURPOSE” Featuring Christian Harris Ep 333

How to build a real estate business "ON PURPOSE" Featuring Christian Harris

What if your business was showing results but it wasn’t very consistent or it felt like it was “on accident”?

Christian Harris was spinning his wheels, he was frustrated and losing energy trying to do everything to make his business a success. Ever felt like that?????

AND now fast forward to today, Christian has focus and clarity. The commission roller coaster has ended, he’s working fewer hours, and has more hours with his family creating memories.

Listen to this episode to hear how Christian had his breakthrough moment.

Mentioned in this episode:

Register for Breakthrough Week – www.agentrisecoaching.com/breakthrough

Schedule a call with Neil before the next Bootcamp LIVE starts – www.agentrisecoaching.com

Get more information on Bootcamp LIVE – www.agentrisecoaching.com/bootcamp

Connect with Christian Harris – https://www.instagram.com/christianharris15/

Download "Secrets to Winning Listing Appointments"

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