How to build a real estate business you love without “HUSTLE MORE” – Episode 336

Does the thought of HUSTLE MORE make you sick?

For Michele Curtin, Erin Anderson, and Aimee Wudel the thought of HUSTLE MORE wasn’t in the cards with raising a family. They wanted to make a great income, but more importantly, they wanted time freedom to be a parent. For most of their career, they didn’t believe they could have BOTH a great income AND time freedom to enjoy their family. Ever been there? ????‍♂️

Fast forward to today, all three have built a business that they love. One that provides for their family, AND gives them time to enjoy their family. Want to know how they did it?

How to build a real estate business you love without "HUSTLE MORE"

Mentioned in this episode:

Register for Breakthrough Week – www.agentrisecoaching.com/breakthrough

Schedule a call with Neil before the next Bootcamp LIVE starts – www.agentrisecoaching.com

Get more information on Bootcamp LIVE – www.agentrisecoaching.com/bootcamp

Connect with Aimee Wudel – https://www.instagram.com/aimeewudel/

Connect with Michele Curtin – https://www.instagram.com/shellsellsfloridahomes/

Connect with Erin Anderson – https://www.instagram.com/erinforhomes/






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