How To Live Courageously During These Times – Episode #237

Right around the time we were planning our recent 17-day road trip, we heard a message from Robby Dawkins. In the message, he said, “the door at the grocery store only opens if you walk into it. You can’t open the door by standing in the parking lot.  Walk into the door and it will open.” 

We kept that “step into the door” mindset the entire trip. Many times we felt we were at the end and then we took one more step. And every time we did, the door opened. Every single time. 

Are you stepping into the door?

Today, I want to share ways we’ve recently stepped into the door, and how I hope it will be an encouragement to you.

Resources and Links mentioned in this episode

  • Agent Rise Webathon 2020 – For the replay, slides, resources from the recent Webathon, text AGENTRISE to 44222
  • Head to AgentOnTheRise.com to register for the free masterclass: How to Get Your Dream Real Estate Business Without Ever Cold Calling
  • Join the Agent Rise Facebook Group (free) at www.Facebook.com/groups/agentrise
  • To learn more about coaching, go to www.agentrisecoaching.com

And connect with me on ANY of the following social channels. I LOVE social!

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