Maintaining A Confidence Mindset – Episode #185

Maintaining A Confidence Mindset - Episode #185


Maintaining a confidence mindset is the key to “keeping the engine running” in your real estate business. If your sphere of influence and chase pillars are the transmission, then your mindset is the engine. Just like a car, if you don’t properly maintain your mindset you will stall out. Do you struggle to have confidence in yourself? Are you plagued by lies and limiting beliefs that are holding you back? Get the encouragement you need to break through on this week’s episode of the Agent Rise Podcast.

It’s time to build your confidence

One of the coolest things I get to experience as a real estate coach is watching new or stuck agents finally break through. And when everything does start to come together it’s not because they found some magical system that generates success. The number one catalyst for growth is creating and maintaining a confidence mindset. One of the big confidence boosters I have had to work at is knowing who I am. When you are firm in your identity you will have the ability to call out and cast out fears from your life. A mindset free from the power of fear is the best soil for confidence to grow.

Leave your baggage at the door

A huge obstacle in maintaining a confidence mindset is emotional baggage. Sometimes we can’t control the things that have happened to us or the words that have been spoken over us. Scars from past experiences will continually hold us back if we let them. Choosing to believe lies and limiting beliefs is just that: a choice. You don’t have to believe what that person said about you. You don’t have to let that failure or circumstance define you for the rest of your life. You CAN break through even the most painful of pasts if you learn to cultivate confidence with a healthy mindset.

Growth starts with YOU

How you view other people will determine the health of your mindset. If you see other people as the enemy of your growth then you will never get to where you want to be. Blaming others for your lack of results is a key characteristic of a scarcity mindset which breeds jealousy and creates an unhealthy need to constantly prove yourself. However, if you take full ownership of your future and embrace the fact that the only person holding you back from growth is YOU, there is no limit to what you’ll be able to achieve. Stop competing with other people and start challenging yourself.

Work according to your vision

Without vision people will perish. Your real estate business is no different. Don’t get distracted by every whim that comes your way and stick with the vision you set out to accomplish. That is incredible advice if you have a good vision that’s crystal clear. But what if you don’t? It’s going to be a trainwreck! The opposite of clarity is clutter and too many realtors have a vision for their business that could use some spring cleaning. Before you can pursue your vision you have to make sure the vision is not only clear but that it works and is congruent to you.

Outline of this great episode

  • [1:36] The schedule for the Agent Rise Web-A-Thon
  • [7:46] Everything is going to be okay
  • [10:55] How your mindset drives your business
  • [14:11] Instantly check your mindset with THIS question
  • [16:51] Why your vision should take the lead
  • [18:53] Is it time for a change up?

Recommended Resources

Resources and Links mentioned in this episode

  • Help me fight cancer by donating to The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society here and join us for the Agent Rise Web-A-Thon on April 23rd!
  • Watch Masterclass “5 Steps To Building An Uncommon Real Estate Career”. It’s free! https://neilmathweg.lpages.co/agent-rise-masterclass/
  • To get my listing presentation tips, text “LISTING” to 44222
  • Join the Agent Rise Facebook Group (free) at Facebook.com/groups/agentrise
  • To learn more about coaching, go to www.neilmathwegcoaching.com
  • If you want to see my website as a REALTOR in Madison Wi go to www.neilmathweg.com

Connect with Neil!

Schedule a free 30 minute breakthrough call with Neil, schedule your call at neilmathwegcoaching.youcanbook.me

And connect with me on ANY of the following social channels. I LOVE social!

And finally, if you would be so kind – leave a rating and review for the Agent Rise podcast on Apple Podcasts (formerly iTunes)

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