Are you ready to eliminate distractions that are negatively affecting your productivity? Are you bogged down and feeling defeated? Unable to focus? In this episode of Agent Rise, I’m going to give you simple tools to help increase your efficiency and eliminate distractions.
What apps are running in your background?
Kelly Shipp, one of my ‘Risers of the Month’, introduced me to this analogy. She said she felt like she was a phone, and had all of these apps running in the background that were bogging her down and distracting her, leaving her feeling defeated.
You don’t have to feel like this.
Feeling defeated and overwhelmed will keep you from performing at your best. You need to begin to eliminate the things that are distracting you—so what does that look like?
Eliminate distractions by delegating
One of the easiest things you can do to delegate distractions? Hire a transaction coordinator. I’m not advocating hiring a friend, family member, or someone inexperienced. Hire up. Hire someone who knows the field, has systems and processes in place and does the job better than you.
It’s much easier to hand off the work to someone who knows what they’re doing.
The right person for the job will help ease your stress and workload and improve efficiency. It is an investment for your clients and will make a night and day difference. Keep listening as I talk about my personal experience hiring a transaction coordinator and the other things you can begin to delegate.
Overcome the “Disease to Please”
Do you deal with stress and anxiety related to performance? Are you constantly feeling like a failure if you can’t deliver what a client is looking for? If you worry that a client will never use you again or won’t refer people to you—let it go. You’ve done your best and you need to be confident in that.
You can’t let other people dictate the way you feel about yourself.
I had a client who made it his personal business to make my life a living hell. I worked my tail off for him—I even sold their house for more than they asked for. I could never figure out why he decided to attack me. But it deeply hurt me and I felt so defeated.
What did I do to overcome the anxiety and feeling of defeat that the client dredged up? Listen to find out!
What is preventing you from feeling alive?
Sometimes, the issue that is running in the background goes deeper than distracting tasks. Have you been deeply wounded? Is there something in your past that you need to overcome? Past hurt that you’ve buried doesn’t stay buried, and it will affect your life.
Is something in your life preventing you from being the person God designed you to be?
I would love to chat with you. You are capable of so much more when you let go of your struggles. It’s time to overcome the lies you’re letting yourself believe. Get down to the root of your distractions and focus.
What apps are running in your background? What do you need to do to turn them off?
Outline of this great episode
- [0:30] Increase your speed and eliminate distractions
- [2:20] Hire a Transaction Coordinator
- [5:00] What else can you delegate?
- [6:05] What is preventing you from feeling alive?
- [10:15] Turn off the apps running in the background
Recommended Resources
- Easy Agent Pro – to get a website like mine ( go to
- Shred Media – to take your digital marketing to next level go to
- To hear more great shows like Agent Rise visit
Resources and Links mentioned in this episode
- To join my masterclass go to
- To get my listing presentation tips, text “LISTING” to 44222
- Join the Agent Rise Facebook Group (free) at
- To learn more about coaching, go to
- If you want to see my website as a REALTOR in Madison Wi go to
Connect with Neil!
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- Instagram (@neilmathwegcoaching or @neilmathweg (personal)
- Check out my YOUTUBE channel: all new content!
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