21 Ways To Get New Listings for Real Estate Agents

Inventory is tight across the country and this week we share 21 ways to get listings for real estate agents.

  1. Facebook Marketplace – for rent “willing to sell?”
  2. Recent Expired – mailing or calling
  3. Old Expired – mailing for a buyer
  4. Open House – neighbors, buyers w/ houses to sell
  5. Leftover buyers – Letters to neighbors
  6. Lis Pendens – preforeclosure
  7. Post-auction sales
  8. Mailing letters for your buyers to neighborhoods
  9. Websites like offrs.com
  10. Referral sites like Dave Ramsey
  11. Corporate Relocation
  12. Seller seminar
  13. Facebook Ads
  14. Estate sales or letters to attorneys
  15. Divorce or letters to attorneys
  16. Senior Housing – Seminars
  17. FSBO’s – mailing or calling
  18. Farming – just sold – market value? I like Corefact.com
  19. Sphere of influence
  20. Investor-owned – mailing to non-owner occupied.
  21. Builders and developers – do they have a parcel that is not listed? Mail them a letter to list that property.

Disclosure: check your state laws, local association, AND your broker. These are ideas and may not be allowed in your market.

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