
The Agent Rise Stories

Inspiration for Real Estate Agents

Being a real estate agent is exciting aaaand exhausting. Often we are in search of inspiration to keep going. We need to borrow some courage if you know what I mean.  This page is full of stories from other agents just like you who are finding success.  Hope it’s an inspiration to you.

Tips For New Real Estate Agents

Paige Corbett

The deck was stacked against Paige.  Her kids were home from school because of COVID, her husband was deployed, and heaviness was over her that left her feeling lazy, tired, and depressed.  A year earlier she had quit her dental hygienist job to pursue a career in real estate and money was getting extremely tight.  She knew what to do and how to do, was extremely well trained, and even had a clear plan that was congruent to her, but she still wasn’t getting results.  She was beyond stuck!

Mindi Kessenich

Mindi Kessenich

With a rookie year for the record books, Mindi Kessenich was flying high and ready for more growth. But year two and three were nothing like the first and things didn’t go quite as planned. She hired her first administrative assistant to help her become more efficient, provide better service; all with hopes of growing her business. However, the results were quite the opposite. She increased her overhead, the challenge of keeping her new staff busy actually made her less efficient, and because of the distraction, her sales continued to slide. She was left feeling defeated, discouraged, and borderline broke. She was at the end of the road and almost ready to call it quits for good. She began to think this business wasn’t for her. Have you ever been there? 

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