You have probably heard the term “boundaries” many, many times by now. There’s even a series of best-selling books about the concept. When the topic is brought up you know exactly what you’re about to hear. You need to do less. You need to stop running around like a chicken with your head cut off. You need to put hard-and-fast rules in your life that protect your private and family time. And you know what? Those are exactly the things you need to do. On this episode of onion juice I’m going to tell you why boundaries are so important for your personal, professional, and family health.
You have to put boundaries around your life or you are going to be destroyed.
I know what I’m talking about on this one. I spent years in my professional career burning the candle at both ends and the only thing that wound up getting burned was me and my family. I had absolutely no boundaries. I took calls every day, at any time of day, and my clients took advantage of it. I’m not blaming them, I’m blaming me. I should have had my priorities in better order. I should have had my family at the top of that list. I should have had my personal health at the top of that list. On this episode you’ll hear my story and hopefully learn some lessons from my terrible experience to help you make yours even better.
Your real estate business will BOOM when you create proper boundaries.
The real estate industry is known for its long hours and lack of boundaries. Agents take calls at any time of the day or night, evenings are often spent writing offers and neglecting family, and our health and children are the ones who pay for those long hours. I want to see the entire industry change. I want to see boundaries become commonplace because it is better for us as real estate agents and better for our clients in the long run. I want to tell you the ways that setting healthy boundaries will help your real estate business and actually benefit your clients, on this episode of Onion Juice.
How do you set boundaries with clients?
One of the most difficult steps when setting healthy boundaries is communicating them to your clients in a way that is helpful and understood. Your clients need to hear it from you in a way that engenders respect for you rather than disdain. How do you do that? It’s taken me awhile to figure out that piece, but I want to share with you how I do it and the effect it has had on both my family and my clients. If you put this into practice I guarantee you will have a happy, healthy, more successful life, and your business revenues will actually go up.
The danger of being a “Pop Tart” Real Estate agent.
For too many years I was what I call a “Pop Tart” real estate agent. What I mean by that is this: I would “pop” up and do anything my clients asked, anytime they asked me. It didn’t matter if I was tucking in my kids. It didn’t matter if I was in the middle of dinner. It didn’t matter if I was on vacation. My clients came first. And that was wrong. If that’s what you are doing, it’s wrong for you as well. I’m not afraid to say the hard truth. You’re going to burn out and you are going to wind up doing a disservice to your clients and your family in the end. Would you join me in changing the real estate industry for the better? Hear my challenge about healthy boundaries on this episode of Onion Juice.
Outline of this great episode
- [1:20] Why setting boundaries can give you MORE business.
- [4:45] The common use of the word “hustle.”
- [7:20] How I’ve applied boundaries with clients over the years.
- [10:00] The danger of being “Pop Tart” real estate agents.
- [11:20] The circle of life that begins with boundaries.
- [13:00] How I apply this concept in “urgent” situations.
- [17:00] Why I respect Chik-Fil-A so much.
- [20:11] How I learned the need for boundaries the hard way.
- [22:45] Why I recommend your chosen “day off” is NOT during the week.
- [24:25] How boundaries make your work time matter more.
- [26:08] Could you engage with me on Facebook?
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Episode 27: On Confidence
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