How to Start a Podcast for YOUR Own Media Company That Happens to Sell Real Estate – Episode 63

OJ EP 63 Cover ImageIf you’ve ever wondered how to start a podcast – similar to what I’ve done with The Onion Juice Podcast – I’m going to answer your questions today. From what equipment and software you need, to costs, to planning and interviewing skills, to a whole lot more – I’m going to walk through everything I do from start to finish for an episode on this “behind the scenes” episode of the podcast. I’m also going to answer some specific questions listeners have sent to me. If you are at all interested in what a podcast can do for your business I want you to listen. You’ll be surprised at some of the things you can gain from putting out the great content through a podcast.

Why would a real estate agent want to start a podcast?

You may not see how a podcast could be an effective part of what you do as a real estate agent. Afterall, you make money by getting listings and selling homes, right? How does an audio rant every week help you do that? You have to look a bit outside the normal real estate box to get what I’m going to share with you on this episode. That’s because your podcast won’t be about getting listings or selling homes – at least not directly. But indirectly it will provide the contacts and relationships that enable you to achieve those things and more in the end. If those dots don’t connect for you yet, be sure you listen to this episode. I’m going to tell you EXACTLY how it works.

You can start a podcast of your own for less than $150 total cost.

If you’ve never done something before the ignorance level you have at the start can make it seem like it’s a formidable task to get going. But in the case of podcasting, it’s really not that difficult and it’s also not very expensive. With an inexpensive microphone, free software, and a computer you can be recording audio and uploading it to the internet for less than $150, all-in. That’s a very inexpensive way to get very personalized, specific content into the earbuds of your ideal prospects week after week after week. And with a little bit of organization, you can make sure you’re putting out great stuff that benefits the people you want to serve. Find out the exact things I’ve done to start and maintain my podcast on this episode of The Onion Juice.

One of the top reasons I think you SHOULD start a podcast.

There are lots of people out there who are loving Facebook LIVE. I get it. I love it too. But there are some significant reasons that if I had to make a choice between the two I’d stick with my podcast. First off, people can listen to a podcast anyplace. In their car, on the treadmill, walking their dog – there’s no limit to the ways your ideal customer can consume content you produce specifically for them during those “off moments” of the day when it’s impossible to consume a video (like Facebook LIVE). On this episode of the podcast I’m going to tell you a few more reasons why you should choose podcasting over Facebook LIVE sessions, so be sure you listen.

Nobody will listen to your podcast if they don’t know about it.

I’ve gotten lots of questions about what it takes to get a listenership for your podcast. It’s a very important question because you don’t want to be taking the time to record each week and have nobody listening. So be sure you understand this one thing – NOBODY IS GOING TO LISTEN IF THEY DON’T KNOW ABOUT YOUR SHOW. It’s entirely up to YOU to ensure that people find out about your show. But you don’t have to blast it out through interruption marketing. You can actually attract an audience just like you do in other ways I’ve taught on this show. Listen to this episode of The Onion Juice to find out how you can build your listenership.

Outline of this great episode

  • [0:33] My introduction to this behind the scenes episode.
  • [3:50] Why Easy Agent Pro is a new sponsor and how you can get $100 off!
  • [5:50] How I began a podcast in the first place.
  • [8:29] Why my topics and content for the show comes naturally.
  • [10:35] The transition I’ve made in how I prep for the show.
  • [11:25] The equipment and software I use.
  • [12:57] My workflow and recording flow.
  • [16:56] How we create show notes (I don’t do it myself).
  • [22:10] How do I receive the text messages?
  • [23:40] Questions submitted about podcasting – costs, process, etc.
  • [29:45] How local connections can help you build your listenership.
  • [31:36] The level of engagement you can get from a podcast audience.

Resources & Links mentioned in this episode

Our sponsor: www.KnightBarry.com

Easy Agent Pro websites (a new sponsor) www.EasyAgentPro.com/OJ – get your $100 discount

Text “OJ notes” to “44222” to get the show notes for this episode

Podcast Answer Man

John Lee Dumas


Blue Yeti Microphone


Final Cut Pro



Podcast Fast Track.com

Corel Draw or Canva

Tweet Deck



Lead Pages (Lead digits functionality)

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