You are the only one who knows how to be yourself.
You were built, created, made to be exactly who you are! There’s nothing beneficial to trying to imitate somebody else in the industry who you think is cool, or doing it right. Don’t get me wrong – there’s always a place for learning from others and modeling what they do – but when it comes to the personality and “why” behind you and your brand, it’s YOU that makes all the difference in setting you apart. On this episode, I’m chatting with my friend Jason Frazier about a whole slew of things but they all center around this issue of being yourself. Listen carefully. You could learn a new perspective that will help you stand out from the crowd and get more business.
Being yourself enables you to attract instead of chase your prospects.
You hear me talk about all kinds of social media platforms on The Onion Juice podcast – SnapChat, Facebook, Instagram – and the reason I like many of them is because they have components of what they offer that enables me to be raw and real. I can show people a snapshot of my life and family and town that draws them to like me. (Honestly, I think they really DO like me). And that’s one of the primary components in the “know-like-trust” formula that makes modern marketing work these days. So please – PLEASE – be yourself – and you’ll find people attracted to WHO YOU ARE.
You’re fighting for attention with everyone out there, right? So how do you win?
With the advent of social media and the ease of producing content on the internet the competition for attention is getting harder and harder every day, right? You can’t expect to win the attention of everyone if you were copying what everyone else is doing. In this episode, I am talking with my friend Jason Frazier, who is a pro at being himself and letting his following see who he really is. If you listen carefully to what Jason has to share you will learn that it is not what you do that’s most important, it is who you are.
Your clients are out there for the taking… and you can get to them without a lot of cash!
I really believe that your clients are out there for the taking. Nobody is really working hard to impress them with authenticity and character, they are still using the old tired gimmicks that were common years ago and still don’t work. If you will take the time to figure out who you are and position yourself as that person, you will find that people who gravitate toward your philosophies and beliefs will gravitate toward you. You will be attracting clients instead of chasing them and find that your lifestyle and business work a lot more smoothly because of it. That’s what this episode of the podcast is all about, so be sure to listen to my conversation with my friend Jason Frazer.
Forget all the copycat tactics if you are going to be yourself.
Most real estate agents out there are trying to copy what the top producers do. I am all for finding effective approaches to things and implementing them in what I do, but I’m never going to stake my claim on doing things just because a top producer does it. On this episode, you will hear me talk with my friend Jason Frazier about the kinds of things that make you, you – and why you need to capitalize on the uniqueness that is inherent in your personality and viewpoints, and how it will gain you more clients than you think it will. This episode is at the core of everything I do on this podcast so if you listen to this episode you will understand where I’m coming from, and spades!
Outline of this great episode
- [0:34] My introduction to this episode of the podcast.
- [1:29] Do you want to come to Madison, WI for the 52nd episode?
- [4:41] Introduction to Jason Frazier, the Real Estate CIO.
- [11:21] What does it mean to be a media company that happens to sell Real Estate?
- [17:14] How Jason practices authenticity and why he thinks it’s important.
- [23:26] What Jason recommends for agents who are starting out brand new.
- [28:22] The biggest problems Jason sees real estate agents making today.
- [34:04] What Jason thinks about SnapChat and Instagram Stories.
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