
The Conversion Code – A Great Resource For New Agents – Episode 85

The Conversion Code - A Great Resource For New Agents - Episode 85Today I’m talking about Chris Smith’s book, The Conversion Code. I’m not normally excited about books that talk about scripts. I don’t like chasing business, and I want to get everyone to an attraction model. However, my goal on this show is to help new agents succeed. And in the beginning, you need to chase and you need to get good at handling objections. Then you can start attracting business instead of chasing it. I am a raving fan of Chris Smith, and his book is a valuable resource when you are starting out.

Using a script with unique data points to respond to new leads

What do you say when your potential new client picks up the phone and says “hello?” In his book The Conversion Code, Chris Smith provides scripts for these conversations. In this episode, I’ll talk about how having simple, unique data points at the beginning of your call can help you establish trust with a potential client, and I’ll share an example of how it recently worked on me. Listen in to find out how to make it easy for a new lead to want to respond to you.

“Dig deep or go to sleep”

In his book, The Conversion Code, Chris Smith talks about digging deep with a client by asking good questions. In this episode, I’ll tell you a little more about how he suggests that you go about it, give some examples of good questions, and talk about how questions help you to know how to best serve your customer. Listen to today’s podcast to hear about asking good questions, and then be sure to pick up my free list of questions for a listing presentation by texting “listing” to 44222.

Creeds for marketers, schedulers, and closers

What are the main things you need to keep in mind in your marketing, scheduling, and closings? In The Conversion Code, Chris Smith details a “creed” for each of these aspects of your business. I’ll give you a quick read of these creeds on today’s podcast. These bullet points are a great way to keep yourself focused and remember what is important at each step along the way.

Learning how humans communicate can boost your phone skills

How do humans communicate? Do you know what percentages of communication come through words, tone of voice, and body language? How will understanding these help you to be more effective on the telephone? In today’s podcast, I’ll talk about what Chris Smith has to say about communication in his book, The Conversion Code. Listen to today’s podcast to find out the many ways this book is worth your while as you are starting out as a Real Estate agent.

Outline of this great episode

  • [2:07] How Chris Smith’s book, The Conversion Code can help new agents succeed.
  • [4:24] Roundbox Coaching is up and running. Join us!
  • [5:53] Thank you to our sponsors.
  • [8:10] Chris Smith’s background and why I think he is such a good resource.
  • [10:04] Pick up the phone. Call every single lead who opens and replies.
  • [10:51] Using a script with unique data points to respond to new leads.
  • [13:20] Dig deep or go to sleep.
  • [14:48] The marketer’s, scheduler’s, and closer’s creeds.
  • [16:23] How many calls does it take to convert a lead?
  • [19:04] Learning how humans communicate can help boost your phone skills.
  • [20:15] Quick e-mail messages to send to keep things moving along.

Resources & Links mentioned in this episode

Book: The Conversion Code by Chris Smith
The Conversion Code on Audible

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www.EasyAgentPro.com/OJ ($100 off set-up fees)


To get the 11 question listing presentation, text “listing” to 44222
Neil’s Roundbox Coaching
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