by Neil Mathweg | Apr 17, 2017 | Podcast
This week I had a conversation with one of my listeners about how tough it is to get listings and become a listing agent in the tight market that we have right now. Is the struggle worth it? Does it even make financial sense? In this episode, I’m going to give you a pep talk about becoming a listing agent and help you build your confidence and believe that you are a listing agent. Listen in and then join me on the Facebook group to continue the conversation!
It’s not a listing appointment, it’s a listening appointment!
Many Realtors experience some level of anxiety around creating and delivering a listing presentation. You can take the stress out of that appointment by listening instead of presenting. In this episode, I’ll explain how that works and how you can get a free copy of the questions that I use to create meaningful conversation during a listing appointment. If you want to build your confidence, find out how to get listings, and enjoy your listing appointments, you want to listen to this podcast!
Do I have to be an extrovert to succeed as a listing agent?
Personality definitely plays a part in how you run your Real Estate business. But you do not have to be an extrovert like me in order to succeed. In this episode, I’ll talk about how working as a listing agent might look different for introverts and extroverts, but how they can both be successful. If you’re concerned that your personality might get in the way of being a great listing agent, listen to this episode and be encouraged.
Determine Real Estate activities by looking at your time, your money, and your personality
Are there things you think you “should” be doing, but they don’t appeal to you? Activities that help you get listings are not “one size fits all.” In this episode, I’ll explain how to look at the mix of your available time and money as well as your personality, and determine which activities will be the most effective for your business. Listen to this podcast to find out how to get listings in a way that works best for you.
Practical ideas for how to get listings now
A lot of what we talk about on the Onion Juice podcast is attracting business instead of chasing it, and that is important and will help you get listings in the long run. But many of you need to get listings now, and I want to help you do that. Listen to this episode to find out what you can do right now to get listings. And be sure to get my free listing presentation to help you stay calm, feel good about what you are doing, and get more listings.
Outline of this great episode
- [0:27] Introduction to the Onion Juice Podcast
- [1:45] It’s such a struggle to get listings. Is it even worth it?
- [6:13] A word about our sponsors and a few other things
- [8:17] It’s not a listing appointment, it’s a listening appointment!
- [10:10] Determine Real Estate activities by looking at your time, your money, and your personality.
- [15:40] Is it worth it being in this business?
- [16:24] Ideas for ways you can get listings now.
- [25:13] Be sure to use my listing presentation.
Resources & Links mentioned in this episode
Our sponsors: and
To get the free listing presentation, text “listing” to 42222
Neil’s Coaching program
Join the Onion Juice – Ideas for Real Estate Agents Facebook Group
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by Neil Mathweg | Apr 10, 2017 | Podcast
Are you ready to call it quits? Feeling discouraged or stuck in your Real Estate business? Shifting your mindset can make a big difference and help you revitalize your business. Today’s podcast is in response to a listener’s question. Four years in, he’s not doing well and wonders whether it’s time to cut his losses and move on to something else. I’ll respond to his question with my top recommendations for a person who is stuck. And then we’ll talk with my co-worker, Joe Marks, who was ready to quit two years ago and has experienced a complete turnaround. Join us. You’ll be glad you did.
Here’s how to raise your confidence level in your Real Estate business
How confident are you as you approach your Real Estate business? If you’re discouraged and thinking about calling it quits, chances are you have lost your confidence. In this episode, I’ll give you some ideas about how you can shift your mindset and build up your confidence again. Listen in and give yourself a chance to regain your confidence before you decide that it’s time to move on to something else.
Joe Marks’ story: From ready to quit to doubling his business in a year
Five years into his Real Estate career, Joe Marks was ready to call it quits. Now, two years later, he is enjoying his business and his production doubled from 2015 to 2016. Want to know how that happened? Listen to my conversation with Joe to find out the things that are working for him, what motivates him to stay in business, and how he shifted his mindset. You’re sure to hear some insights that will work for you, too!
Is your coach helping you or hindering you?
Having a coach is essential when you are building your Real Estate business. But is your coach doing what is best for you? In this episode, I’ll talk about the kind of coach that will really help you and the kind that may actually be holding you back. If you are unsure whether or not you should continue with your business, listen to this episode first and decide if what you really need might be a different kind of coach and a shift in your mindset.
Shifting from a fixed mindset to a growth mindset breathes life into your business
A big part of what changed Joe Marks’ mind about calling it quits was his shift from a fixed mindset to a growth mindset. In this episode, Joe and I talk about that shift and how it affected everything about his business. Listen to find out how Joe rediscovered his passion, how he created a vision for the future, and how this new mindset helps him handle a tough week differently than he did before. His story can be your story. Be sure to listen if you’re thinking about packing it in!
Outline of this great episode
- [3:26] My recommendations, the OJ way, for a person who is stuck.
- [9:14] Intro of today’s guest, Joe Marks, who was ready to quit after 5 years in the business.
- [11:46] Is your coach helping you do what feels right for you, not just what worked for your coach?
- [15:07] How Joe’s mindset change resulted in doubling his production in one year.
- [19:33] How focusing on his passion is helping Joe Marks stay in business.
- [22:16] Joe Mark’s vision for the future and how he expects to get there.
Resources & Links mentioned in this episode
Service for Life
Book: Mindset, by Carol Dweck
Our sponsors: and
To get the 11 question listing presentation, text “listing” to 42222
Neil’s Coaching program
Join the Onion Juice – Ideas for Real Estate Agents Facebook Group
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Leave a rating and review on iTunes
by Neil Mathweg | Oct 31, 2016 | Podcast
If you want to know how to build confidence, you’re not alone. Many new real estate agents step into the business and within weeks (or even days) their heads are spinning. Laws, regulations, paperwork, listing presentations, FSBOs – the things to confuse and overwhelm you are many. And all of those new things can cause your personal confidence to take a hit. On this episode, I’m covering the issue of confidence for all of you who need help building it up. In fact, I’ve got 5 different things I want you to consider when it comes to building up your own confidence as an agent.
To be a successful real estate agent, create a wise, clear plan to follow.
Bright, shiny new things come at us every day as real estate agents. You don’t want to be a person who bounces from one new thing to another believing that the next thing is going to be the thing that makes all the difference. Sure, you can consider all those things but you have to come to the point that you make a decision about the path you are going to follow. Once you’ve carefully decided on a plan that fits you, on that you are confident will work for you, you’ve to start implementing it and stick with it over the long haul. On this episode, I’m reiterating the power of a clear plan as it relates to your confidence as an agent.
Results may come slow – but they WILL COME if you stick to your plan.
Too often new agents only notice their lack of results and become discouraged. If that’s you, you’ve got to understand that anything you build from the ground up is going to build slowly at first, with little signs that progress is really happening. Think of it like a construction project. Most of the work at first is going on underground, on a foundational level, where you can’t really see it. It’s only weeks later when the foundation is set that you’re able to see walls going up – when it begins to look like a real house. Your business will be the same way, so starting out as a real estate agent don’t let yourself get too caught up in the lack of results you may be seeing. Stick to the action steps within your business plan knowing that in time it will pay off. I’ve got more tips like this one to share regarding how you can build up your confidence, on this episode.
Imitation may be the sincerest form of flattery, but it won’t bring success.
It’s a natural thing when you’re new to the real estate industry to imitate the things that successful agents around you are doing. The problem is this: you are not them. They may have unique perspectives or talents, specialized skills they’ve developed over many years, or a different personality that makes what they are doing a success for them. You’ve got to learn who you are – what your strengths are – so that you can major in your areas of strength. If that sounds like wishful thinking to you I’m going to explain exactly how you can do that in this episode, so be sure you take the time to listen.
Why I think some new agents need to move to another company.
As I’ve paid my dues in the real estate business and studied what it takes to build and lead great teams of agents I’ve discovered that there are two kinds of leaders – those who lead like a hammer and those who lead with the heart. Some bang away at the people they are leading, pushing, driving, even intimidating them into performance. But others lead with the heart, finding out how to best direct each person under their leadership to help them maximize their strengths. If you are discouraged and don’t feel confident as an agent it’s possible that you need to find a different kind of leader, one who can bring out the best in you instead of hammering on you because you’re not a certain way they think is best. I explain more about this idea on this episode of The Onion Juice podcast.
Outline of this great episode
- [0:27] My welcome to you and an introduction to this episode on CONFIDENCE.
- [2:19] You questions needed for next week’s JUICE BAR.
- [4:46] 5 Ways to build up your confidence as a new real estate agent.
- [6:20] The power of having a clearly plan that you stay consistent with.
- [8:32] Don’t focus on your results, focus on your tasks (in your plan).
- [9:45] Work in the areas of your strengths instead of imitating others.
- [12:40] Surround yourself with people who see your value and remind you of it.
- [13:54] Figure out the kind of leader you need (hammer or heart)?
- [19:02] I’d love to hear from you – please connect with me!
Resources & Links mentioned in this episode
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Connect with Neil to ask your question: NeilMathweg(at)
Text “Yes Neil” to “44222” to get on the waiting list for my new course.
Text “OJ Notes” to “44222” to get all the show notes for these episodes.
Text “strength” to “44222” to get my videos about building confidence.
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