
The Cheese and Whiskers concept of marketing for Real Estate Agents – Episode 13

Onion Juice Podcast episode 13 now available.  Marketing: cheese and Whiskers

Onion Juice Podcast episode 13 now available. Marketing: cheese and Whiskers

We’ve all felt the uncomfortable pressure of an unwanted marketing pitch, right? The pushy used car salesman, the vacuum cleaner guy at your front door, the people in the mall who want you to take their survey, the telemarketer who didn’t seem to hear you say, “no” the first time. It’s awkward – and you don’t want to be the one putting on that kind of pressure. But sadly many of us think of marketing and sales in that vein, and I’m here to tell you that it doesn’t have to be that way at all. In fact, marketing can truly be fun. Stick around for this episode of the Onion Juice real estate podcast and learn how marketing can be different.


I’m getting kind of addicted to marketing these days.


It may sound kind of strange to say it that way, but I’m discovering that marketing in the modern age can actually be fun. That’s because I’m stepping into the online space and using media and digital platforms to connect with people in personal, relevant ways that actually make meaningful connections that lead to relationships. And those relationships are what is leading to the clients and sales I’m looking for. You can hear how my perspective about real estate marketing has changed on this episode of Onion Juice.


The Cheese and Whiskers concept of marketing.


It’s been said that the average consumer is like a mouse when it comes to the way they respond to marketing. A mouse spends all day either looking for cheese or running from whiskers (attached to a cat, of course). In the marketing world, value is the cheese and a pushy sales pitch is the whiskers. As long as you’re providing value, people are going to be attracted to you and the message you have to share. But when you begin putting on the pressure to buy, they’re going to run away. I’ve got some thoughts about how this can apply to your real estate business, so be sure you take the time to listen.


Why your home marketing should have a different plan than your personal marketing.


Every Real Estate Agent knows that you’re not just selling homes, you’re selling yourself as well. People will work with you when they know, like, and trust you – and it takes time to build that sort of relationship with people. So you’ve got to be marketing yourself just as much as you’ve got to be marketing your homes (maybe even more). But don’t mix the two together. Each of them has very different goals and different ways to accomplish those goals. Listen in as I walk you through the difference and give you some examples of how to do each effectively.

A new kind of marketing for real estate that sounds like a personal ad.


Have you ever read a dating profile? They’re written in a way that draws you in because they reveal aspects of a personality. I believe that every home has a personality and as a result I’ve done some experimentation with writing up my property ads along the lines of a personals advertisement. On this episode of Onion Juice I read one of my “personals” ads for a house to show you how you can add some creativity and zest to your marketing to make your descriptions stand out from the crowd, so don’t miss it.


Do you know what your prospects really want or need?


If you don’t, how are you going to give it to them? It’s essential that you get in touch with your market to find out what are the “in demand” things your potential clients want and need. You’ve got to be able to directly address their desires, needs, and pains so that you can rise to the top as the one who can solve their problems and get them what they want. If you don’t, you’ll wind up taking everyone’s leftovers, which may be the very people who are the hardest to work with and least likely to follow through with a transaction. You can hear my take on this issue on this episode of Onion Juice.


Outline of this great episode


  • [0:24] My introduction of this episode.
  • [0:40] Why I’m addicted to marketing these days.
  • [2:54] How to market yourself in a compelling way: the cheese and whiskers.
  • [7:36] Marketing homes should have a separate marketing plan than your personal marketing.
  • [8:22] An example of my “personals” type of home marketing – adding a touch of humor.
  • [12:20] Why you have to know what your prospects want – and need to give it to them.
  • [13:10] I’d love to connect with you, so please reach out.

Resources & Links mentioned in this episode




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