
How to Attract Customers, Dealing with Clients Who Go FSBO, and More Real Estate Questions Answered – Episode 60

Ep 60 Album coverThe juice bar is open again. It’s my Q&A session of the Onion Juice Podcast where I answer your real estate questions. On this episode I’ll be answering questions about FSBOs, how to get past being the new agent with no experience, how to let people know you are a new agent, Facebook ads you can use to go after expired listings, how to blog effectively as a real estate agent, how to be a media company that happens to sell real estate, and so much more! Be sure you take the time to hear these great questions and my answers.

What should you do when a potential client decides to go FSBO?

You know the story. You’ve been serving a potential client in incredible ways for weeks, even months. Then they give you the call (or not) to tell you that they’ve decided to try to sell their own house (FSBO). Arrrrrgggggg!  What should you do? Most agents would be tempted to give shoot them the bird, tell them to get lost, or something a little less subtle. I think you should do exactly the opposite and on this episode of the podcast, I’m not only going to tell you why, I’m going to tell you some of the actual things I would do. It’s not about winning them over, it’s about getting your name out as a super helpful and outstanding agent. You can find out, on this episode.

Everyone wants an experienced agent but you’re not experienced. How can you get business?

Almost all of the advice you see online about finding a good real estate agent says that people who are looking to buy a home should only go with an experienced agent. But not everyone is experienced. In fact, the majority of agents aren’t. What should you do in order to overcome what seems like insurmountable odds? I have a very simple approach to this issue that includes honesty, a straightforward approach, dependence on your team, and a few other things. If you want to hear how to get over the experience hurdle, I’m going to tell you what to do on this episode.

Did you know you can advertise to people with expired listing using Facebook?

One of the things you hear as a way to drum up new business is to chase down expired listings. You know, the houses that have been on the market recently but are no longer being listed. The assumption is that there is an interested seller at the end of that lead and you can approach them using all your charm, wit, and stunning good looks to convince them that you are the guy or gal to sell their house. I’ve got a couple of methods that I’ve used to do this using Facebook. Some of them involve fairly technical stuff but at least one of them is a hack anyone who has a Facebook account can do. Curious? Listen to this episode.

Get creative to figure out ways you can highlight things your potential clients are interested in.

A listener to The Onion Juice Podcast wrote in to ask me a question regarding a potential way he could attract clients. He’s really into dogs and wants to write a blog or newsletter about dogs for the people in his community. He’s curious how that idea could get him an “in” with potential real estate customers. I think it’s a great idea. Do you see why? On this episode, I’m going to go over the principle of “Cheese and Whiskers” using this listener’s example to show you how you can use virtually any area of interest to begin attracting clients. This is not smoke and mirrors stuff, it really works!

Outline of this great episode

  • [0:43] My welcome to you – thanks for listening!
  • [5:01] What should you do if a potential client goes FSBO?
  • [8:13] Everybody wants an experienced agent and you’re new? What should you do?
  • [18:27] Is there a way to advertise to expired listings using Facebook?
  • [25:00] I’ve got an idea about attracting customers by focusing on dogs. Any thoughts?

Resources & Links mentioned in this episode

Our sponsor: www.KnightBarry.com

www.NeilMathweg.com – My personal realtor website



Text “OJ Notes” to “44222” to get all the show notes for this podcast!

Send my your questions at NeilMathweg(at)gmail.com

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FSBO’S – When You Give, You Get! – Episode 40

Ep 40 Album coverWelcome to Onion Juice, the podcast aimed at teaching realtors to think outside the box and start attracting business rather than chasing it. This all started 40 episodes ago when I was training another realtor in my office and he said, “This stuff you’re teaching me is a right on! I’m just afraid I’m not going to retain it all. Do you have recordings of it?” Thus was born the series you’re listening to now. It’s designed to help not just that realtor, but all willing realtors learn how to create a dynamic business. Forty episodes and more to come, all chock full of ideas you can put to work for you!


Offer your help and expertise, even when there’s nothing in it for you!


If a prospective client decides to go FSBO, don’t act snubbed and slam the door in their face. Offer to help! Sincerely and with their best interests at heart, offer to talk them through the process. It’s a very complicated process and there are lots of things they need to know, of course. And maybe they’ll use your advice to sell their house. Great! Or maybe they’ll decide they really need a professional’s help in navigating the sale. Who are they going to ask after you’ve been so generous with your expertise? And whichever way they go, who do you think they’ll refer their friends to down the road?


Give, give, give. And don’t worry about what’s in it for you!


Today’s market is a seller’s market, and this inspires a lot of seller confidence. That’s why FSBO’s are so abundant right now. Don’t let that scare you as a realtor! The market will turn; it always does. And in the meantime, give of your knowledge generously. It will always come back to you tenfold. One way or another, generosity and genuinely seeking to help people always comes back to you. In this episode of Onion Juice, I’ll share some specific strategies for helping folks who’ve opted to sell their homes on their own, as well as testimonials about how helping others comes back to you.

Come at life (and business) with an abundance mindset, not a scarcity mindset!


The abundance mindset doesn’t worry too much about having enough. Instead it allows you to give, give, give, confident that all your generosity will come back to you. Don’t hoard your knowledge or snub those who opt not to do business with you. That ugliness will also come back to you. For instance, if a client tells me they’d like to try selling FSBO, I offer to help them and give them free tips and tools to use. Stay you! Don’t let tough times turn you into a non-giver. Remember, you’re the type of realtor who attracts business, not the type who has to run ragged chasing it. So be attractive. Listen here for some specific strategies for dealing with FSBO’s.


This is your realtor. He’s always a giver. People refer their friends to him. Be like him.


Don’t come at FSBO’s with scare tactics and lectures: “You wouldn’t do your own surgery, would you?” and the like. That just sounds like a snarky sales pitch. Total turn off. In this podcast, I’ll tell you some specific points I like to go over with folks considering selling on their own. I freely offer them all my insights as a realtor. Often they’ll come on their own to the conclusion that they just might need a professional’s help after all, or that they’re really not going to pocket that 6% they were hoping to save by going it alone. Listen here to also learn how to get the list of questions I use with new and prospective clients, as well as the letter I send out to FSBO’s. Start attracting business instead of chasing it!

Outline of this great episode


  • [0:28] Onion Juice is “over the hill” and we’re pumped about it!
  • [3:40] Don’t stop giving of yourself during difficult times, and here’s why.
  • [7:11] This week in social media: Microsoft, new FB emojis, and anti-spam on Periscope, and more.
  • [8:50] Educate and empower people; yes, even FSBO’s!
  • [15:11] Council FSBO’s to set up a buffer for themselves when going it alone.
  • [19:15] What if you didn’t know a client was going FSBO, or if they flat out lied to you?
  • [23:30] A word about the letter I send out to FSBO’s that you can use too.

Resources & Links mentioned in this episode


Our sponsor: www.KnightBarry.com

Text “listing” to 44222 to get the questions I like to go over to new or prospective clients.


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Snapchat – @neilmathweg
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