
The Power of Facebook Groups For Real Estate Agents with Dustin Brohm – Episode 71

The Power of Facebook Groups For Real Estate Agents with Dustin Brohm - Episode 71If you’ve been on Facebook for any length of time you’ve no-doubt been invited to a number of groups. Have you noticed what happens inside those groups? People interact. People talk about areas of interest they have in common (usually the focus of the group). And relationships and community happen. What might happen to YOUR business if YOU were the one to create that kind of group surrounding what YOU do. Find out what my guest Dustin Brohm is experiencing in his Facebook Group, on this episode.


But I don’t think I’d be able to keep a Facebook Group going.


I hear excuses all the time – and don’t misunderstand, I do get the reasons behind them. But I’ve come to believe that though there are reasons, there are never excuses. If you feel that building a Facebook Group would be beneficial to your brand and business, you have NO excuse for not building it out. On this episode my buddy Dustin and I are chatting about the benefits we’ve been seeing in our FB groups, what we think it’s doing for our brands, and why we simply LOVE the enthusiasm and connection that’s happening. Learn more on this episode.


As long as you’re giving value to your group – you’ll kill it with Facebook groups.


There’s a LOT of reason to start a Facebook Group. But one of the best reasons is the community and authority you’ll build by doing it (OK, that’s two reasons). Here’s what I mean. First – the community: When you get a bunch of people in the same space who love to talk about the same thing a funny thing called “relationships” happens. People start sharing, helping, asking questions, and building good feelings for each other, and when that surrounds you and your brand, it’s nothing but good for you. On the authority piece: Well, I don’t think I’ve got time to explain it here but you can hear it in the midst of this fun conversation, so be sure you listen.


Authority, authority, authority. That’s what you get when you start something.


It’s really a bizarre fact of the way human nature works, but it’s true nonetheless. Whenever you are the one to come up with an idea or start something new – like I did with The Onion Juice Podcast – the people who begin to notice it instantly assume that you are an authority when it comes to those subjects. They just DO! The same thing happens when you start a Facebook Group, even if you’re not the main person putting content into the group. You become the go-to person about the subject you’ve built the group around. All of that is GREAT. But what does it do for your business and brand? Nothing but good. You can hear the full details on this episode.


The conversations that happen in Facebook Groups fuels enthusiasm.


One of the most difficult parts of getting your message out is locating and motivating a group of people who are rabidly interested in what you are all about. In the modern vernacular we often call those people a “tribe.” But I’m here to tell you that Facebook Groups make the tribe building process a TON easier. Dustin Brohm and I chat about the impact Facebook Groups are having on our businesses, without a script, on this episode. It’s a fun conversation you won’t want to miss.


Outline of this great episode


  • [0:27] My introduction of my friend Dustin and this episode about Facebook Groups.
  • [4:34] Dustin and I start chatting about Facebook groups (without notes!).
  • [7:10] Why Facebook Groups are great for creating community (it’s powerful!).
  • [12:12] How Dustin has developed Facebook Groups to market rentals, etc.
  • [14:20] How Facebook groups and online community change your life.
  • [23:05] What Dustin says to the agent who is afraid to start it.
  • [26:30] Thing that have happened in Neil’s group that he didn’t expect.
  • [30:20] What Dustin does in the Snap Pack group that makes it unique.
  • [39:00] Dustin’s idea for Instagram (not his idea, really).


Resources & Links mentioned in this episode


Our sponsors: www.KnightBarry.com and www.EasyAgentPro.com/OJ


Text “OJGroup” to “44222” to get into the Onion Juice Facebook group


www.SearchSaltLake.com – Dustin’s website


The Snap Pack Live Group


Join the Onion Juice – Ideas for Real Estate Agents Facebook Group


Follow Neil on:




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