
7 Reasons Camera First Should Be Your Marketing Strategy, with Chelsea Peitz – Episode 66

7 Reasons Camera First Should Be Your Marketing Plan with Chelsea PeitzI’m so excited to bring you another of our “camera first” conversations on this episode of The Onion Juice podcast. I started this topic on last week’s show by having a conversation I had with my friend Chelsea Peitz and she had so much goodness to share with you about how to use the camera in your pocket I decided that we needed to talk about this topic a bit more. So in this episode, Chelsea is back to give you some great strategies and tips that you can use to put your camera first marketing strategy into practice. It’s not hard. But not everyone will do it. I dare you… NO, I double dog dare you to try out some of her suggestions!


You need to build a camera first strategy because everybody has one these days!


At a recent conference with 500 people in attendance the speaker wanted to make the point of how prevalent the smartphone is. He asked the audience to raise their hands if they DID NOT have a smartphone on them at that moment. NOBODY RAISED THEIR HAND. It’s proof that everybody has a movie studio in their pockets – and that means YOU now have the tools not only to create quality video but to engage with people live in real time, building your reputation and your brand. On this episode, my friend Chelsea is going to give you 7 reasons why you should switch to what she’s calling a camera first strategy for building your business. You’ll want to hear this one!


Less and less people are watching video that doesn’t talk back. Here’s why.


One of the things Chelsea mentioned in my conversation with her about the prevalence of video on social media is that she’s finding it less and less enjoyable to watch video that doesn’t talk back to her. That means TV and movies! She pointed out how much fun it is to interact with other people via streaming video on Facebook LIVE, Snapchat, Periscope, and other platforms – and how Apple TV and other platforms are now carrying those streams as well. It’s another way that you can use that tech in your pocket to build an audience and make a difference. Find out what Chelsea suggests to get started, on this episode of The Onion Juice podcast.


Live video makes it possible for YOU to compete with the big boys.


It used to be that if you wanted to get a video message in front of people who might be interested in what you have to offer you’d have to pay big bucks to get a video company or TV station to get your message out for you. But those days are over. One of the most powerful points on this episode is that now you, – yes, little old YOU – can compete with the big brands simply by putting live video on social media channels like Facebook and YouTube. You can do it inexpensively and effectively with a small little bit of practice and planning. My friend Chelsea is back on the show to help you think it through and get your plan of action developed. You can hear it all on this episode.


Live video is weighted favorably by Facebook. That means you can use it to get noticed now!


Many people don’t realize this but Facebook has revealed that it is causing live video to appear more highly in news feeds than anything else. That means if you want your following, friends, Facebook pals and others to see your stuff – video is the way to go. You’ll have many more eyes on what you have to say if you say it with video. There’s no telling how long this will be the case so it’s important that you get on board now and start building that audience. And what do you do once you have them? My friend Chelsea and I kick that one around quite a bit in this episode so make sure you listen in to the conversation!


Outline of this great episode


  • [0:30] My introduction to this episode and my guest Chelsea.
  • [5:00] A camera helps people experience things with you.
  • [9:18] Live video is an area where you  can compete with the big boys.
  • [11:05] If you want free organic reach, live video gives it to you right now.
  • [16:34] Everybody loves video. It’s real!
  • [20:10] Video helps make connections like real life.
  • [27:17] Tip #1: Add some subtitles for your Facebook videos.
  • [28:49] Tip #2: Think of live video as your own TV channel (schedule things).
  • [31:15] Tip #3: Do a contest or make a networking opportunity to engage people.
  • [32:29] Tip #4: Make eye contact with the people who are watching you.
  • [34:15] Tip #5: Share out your content to other platforms.
  • [36:48] Tip #6: How could you do some interviews? Use a 3rd part app.


Resources & Links mentioned in this episode


Our sponsors: www.KnightBarry.com and www.EasyAgentPro.com/OJ


The first part of this conversation – Episode 65


Chelsea Peitz on Facebook


www.SearchSaltLake.com – Dustin’s site


www.Rev.com – transcription service


www.Huzza.io or www.WireCast.com – 3rd party services to do live interviews


Text “OJ Notes” to “44222” for the show notes to this episode


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How Live Video Is Relationship Marketing For Real Estate Agents with Chelsea Peitz – Episode 65

Screen Shot 2016-12-11 at 8.25.43 PMLive video is everywhere. Snapchat. Instagram. Facebook. Youtube. You can find a live streaming video option in almost every social media app. Why is this important for you? Because video is the way that most connections and even business marketing will be done in the future. Even the powers that be at Facebook say so. You can hear what Facebook and the other platforms are planning AND MORE IMPORTANTLY what you should be doing to make the most of the trend so you are not left behind by listening to this episode of The Onion Juice podcast!

Why conversations are more powerful today than ever before. Live video is key.

Even in the increasingly digital age we live in, the conversations people have together are what build trust and deep relationship. And believe it or not, digital media is making it even more possible and more powerful. Live video is a way that you can broadcast not just your message but also your personality to those who follow you and create interactions that until recently, were only text-based. And it’s as people get to know your personality that you become not just a headshot on a bus bench or billboard, but a real person like them that they can get to know, like, and eventually trust. Find out how to position yourself to make the most of live video, on this episode.

We’ve moved from a world of static information to a world of live engagement.

Evan Spiegel of Snapchat was recently quoted as saying that we’ve moved from a world of static information to a world of live engagement. Look around you. People everywhere are posting videos through Instagram, Snapchat, Vine, Facebook, and many other platforms. You can now make a very personal, almost-real-life connection with people all around the world. On this episode, I’ve asked my friend Chelsea to help me think through the power of live video because she’s proven herself to be such a pro at it. I’d love for you to hear what she’s got to share.

The number one way to build trustworthiness is to let people see your face.

When you think of a person you love, a person you trust, what comes to mind? I bet it’s an image of their face, right? That’s because the face represents the person. It’s the “face of trust” and the “face of relationship” that connects you to them. Live video gives you the ability to let your ideal prospects and those you work with put a face to your name (and brand) so they can begin to build trust for you. That is one of the primary ways that business people are building trust these days, so I hope you’ll listen to this episode to find out some of the WHY behind using live video to get your message out.

More people own smartphones than own toothbrushes. What does that tell you?

I heard an amazing fact the other day. Worldwide, more people own smartphones than own toothbrushes. What does that tell you? More people today have the ability to receive your personalized, live video message than ever before – and they can do it almost anywhere they are. You’ve got the opportunity to reach out in unprecedented ways, ways that can build trust and engagement like never before. Listen to this “part one” episode I’m doing with my friend Chelsea about how you can use streaming video to make yourself stand out in your market.

Outline of this great episode

  • [0:25] My introduction to this episode about mastering your marketing in a video-centric world.
  • [5:29] Who is Chelsea?
  • [10:34] The blueprints Chelsea uses to create live videos with people.
  • [15:09] Practical things real estate agents can do to build trustworthiness.
  • [24:05] A preview of the next episode (part 2)
  • [24:38] What makes Chelsea want to be a camera-first leader?
  • [28:33] The future Facebook plans for more and more video.

Resources & Links mentioned in this episode

Our sponsors: www.KnightBarry.com and www.EasyAgentPro.com/OJ

Text “OJ Notes” to “44222”

Chelsea Peitz Snapcode –










Chelsea Peitz on Facebook

Episode 61 with Dustin

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