Introducing The Agent Rise Steps: Success For Stuck And New Agents – Episode #177

Introducing The Agent Rise Steps: Success For Stuck And New Agents – Episode #177

Agent Rise Steps for new agents (1) (1)

If you are a new agent or a real estate agent who’s been at it for a while but feels like you’re not making any headway, you’ve found the PERFECT episode to listen to. As I’ve been reading Donald Miller’s great book, “Storybrand” I’ve been inspired in a lot of ways. But one of the biggest things it’s brought to light is that my experience as an agent has given me insight into how to set up a new agent’s business from square one – or how to help stuck agents get unstuck.

This episode is my introduction of the Agent Rise Steps – 10 things you need to understand and apply in order to set up your business for success if you are a new to real estate. And if you’re an old hand at this but need a little guidance, you’ll see that these 10 steps toward success apply perfectly for you too. Take the time to listen and change your real estate career forever.

The 10 Agent Rise Steps for new or stuck agents. Here they are…

  1. Put 100 people in a “Sphere of Influence” database

  2. Mail an announcement letter

  3. Select and maintain your “Sphere of Influence Pillar”

  4. Generate leads with your “Chase Pillar”

  5. Convert leads with your “MatchMaker” System

  6. Systematize your business

  7. Grow your “Sphere of Influence” database to 300 and build a “Top 25”

  8. Select and maintain an “Attraction Pillar”

  9. Accountability and consistency

  10. Teambuild and coach others

OK, there are many terms in there that seem like jargon – things you sort of understand but don’t quite get. If you haven’t been listening to this podcast for a while that’s definitely the case. But don’t worry, I’m going to break down every one of these steps in this episode. I give explanations and examples of each with nothing held back, so don’t sweat it.

Are you waxing your car when your transmission is broken?

In any business, there are certain things that have to be done that are more appealing, more fun for the business owner or team than other things are. It’s a reality. But it’s important to keep yourself focused on the things that matter and the timing in which they matter. STEP FOUR of my Agent Rise Steps has to do with implementing your “chase” pillar, which I’ll admit is not always the most fun to do. But it’s the heartbeat of your business.

What do I include in the chase pillar? Open houses – Facebook advertising – online leads – FSBOs and expireds – these are the things that generate leads for your business and MUST be done before you move to the more shiny objects that are honestly a bit more “fun.”

But it CAN be fun if you do it right. The matchmaker system I outline and teach in my Bootcamp is one of the tools that make it fun. It’s where the magic happens when it comes to generating interested leads. Listen to learn how you can get better engagement with leads, get more responses to your calls, and even create reasons you WANT to call more leads every week.

As a new agent, do you know how to McDonald-ize your real estate business?

For some reason, in the real estate business agents tend to work on their business in hit and miss fashion. I understand how showings and listing appointments are random by nature and require a certain level of flexibility, but that doesn’t mean you can’t systematize other things to make them work flawlessly every single time.

I’m talking about things that DO need to follow a pattern, things like listing appointments, buyer consultations, your accepted offer process, etc. Every step along the way you need to have a specific process for how you do things.

When you do, there are tremendous benefits.

  • Impresses your clients with your professionalism and consistency
  • Get more referrals because your clients feel good about how you handled them
  • Make fewer mistakes – or even eliminate them altogether

All of that comes by McDonaldizing your business – creating and using systems. This one step is powerful – it removes the fear of success.

As a new or stuck agent, you need to build a “Top 25” list

It may seem a bit touchy-feely to talk about “loving” a group of people as a real estate agent, but that’s EXACTLY how you need to think about your “Top 25 List.” What is it? It’s a list of people who you deem to be incredibly valuable to your business because of their ability and/or willingness to give you referrals that generate business.

Take the time to identify these people, then create a system that enables you to love them well and consistently. Buy and give away great books, provide birthday gifts when their special day comes, whatever it takes, you want to take care of these cherished referral partners. You should not only do it because it is the right thing to do – out of gratitude for what they are doing for you – but it keeps you top of mind so they remember how much they appreciate what you’re doing for the people they refer to you.

Who are the kind of people who make YOUR “Top 25 List?” It’s going to be different for every agent. For me, there are a couple of unlikely people. One is a propane tank delivery driver and another is a mail carrier. Who will make YOUR list?

I hope you take the time to listen to this episode – more than once. When you systematically work through each of the Agent Rise Steps in order, you’ll set up your real estate business for the kind of success that can’t be stopped.

Outline of this great episode

  • [3:29] An overview of all 10 Agent Rise Steps
  • [4:25] STEP ONE: explanation and examples
  • [7:28] STEP THREE: What’s a “sphere of influence” pillar?
  • [10:22] STEP FOUR: The step that drives your business
  • [14:17] STEP SIX: Systematizing your business
  • [17:22] STEP SEVEN: Database to 300-ish due to people you meet and a great chase
  • [21:25] STEP EIGHT: The attraction pillar only happens after the work has been done
  • [25:10] STEP TEN: What you’ve learned needs to be passed along
  • [27:18] Why I want you to share these Agent Rise steps and put them in place

Recommended Resources

Resources and Links mentioned in this episode

  • Text the words “agent rise” to “44222” to find out more about Bootcamp
  • To get my 11-question listing presentation tips, text “listing” to 44222
  • To contact me about coaching, go to www.neilmathwegcoaching.com and click Send Message.
  • If you want to see my website as a REALTOR in Madison Wi go to www.neilmathweg.com

Connect with me!

Schedule a free 30 minute breakthrough call with Neil, schedule your call at neilmathwegcoaching.youcanbook.me

And connect with me on ANY of the following social channels. I LOVE social!

And finally, if you would be so kind – leave a rating and review for the Agent Rise podcast on Apple Podcasts (formerly  iTunes)

When Every Deal Seems to Be a Nightmare: Encouragement for New Real Estate Agents – Episode 89

When Every Deal Seems to Be a Nightmare: Encouragement for New Real Estate AgentsSeveral new Real Estate agents have talked with me recently about their frustration with the way every deal seems to be a bad one or filled with challenges. On this episode, I talk about this difficult season of a Real Estate career and have some words of encouragement for you. Whether you are a new agent or a more experienced agent who is feeling stuck, this episode is for you.

Every deal is a learning opportunity

For every question you get as a new Real Estate agent, you have to go get the answer. Yes, this is challenging. But it is also a learning opportunity, and I want to challenge you to change the way you think about this season in your business. Listen to this short podcast to get a new perspective that will help you deal with your frustration and push through it.

Feeling like your efforts outweigh your results?

For new Real Estate agents, there is a season when your efforts outweigh your results. It is easy to get frustrated and wonder if you will survive this. But there is hope! On this episode, I explain the stages that we go through in this business and remind you that you will get through this. I hope you’ll listen and be encouraged.

Plant + Time = Harvest

In our modern American culture, we want instant results. But I was reminded this weekend of the principle that, between planting and harvest, there is time that cannot be rushed. In today’s episode, I apply this principle to our Real Estate careers and encourage you to embrace the growth that comes in the time before the harvest. Listen in and be encouraged that the best is yet to come.

How to set realistic expectations for your Real Estate business

When new Real Estate agents are starting out, there is a tendency to start counting your commissions whenever you follow up a new lead. Those unrealistic expectations can result in disappointment and discouragement. In today’s podcast, I’ll talk about realistic expectations, including the percentage of leads that will likely convert into a closing. You can overcome discouragement by appropriately adjusting your expectations!

Outline of this great episode

  • [0:27] Welcome to the Onion Juice podcast and this episode.
  • [2:42] Thank you to our sponsors – Knight Barry Title and Easy Agent Pro
  • [3:42] Invitation to Neil’s Roundbox Coaching program, and to submit questions for next week’s Juice Bar episode.
  • [5:20] When every deal is a nightmare.
  • [6:19] When your efforts outweigh your results.
  • [7:20] Plant + Time = Harvest.
  • [8:40] Patience in the long growth, but hustling in the day to day.
  • [10:08] How to set realistic expectations.
  • [11:58] Specific words for the agent who is stuck.

Resources & Links mentioned in this episode

Book: Tipping Point by Malcolm Gladwell

Gary Vaynerchuk

Tony Robbins

Our sponsors:




For free pdf business plan, text “roundbox” to 44222

To get the 11 question listing presentation, text “listing” to 44222

To submit a question for next week’s Juice Bar episode, e-mail me at neilmathweg@gmail.com or submit the question on the Facebook group

Roundbox Coaching program

Join the Onion Juice – Ideas for Real Estate Agents Facebook Group

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