by Neil Mathweg | Jun 27, 2016 | Podcast
The Juice Bar is open! Now accepting questions for me to discuss and answer on the show, Onion Juice! I think I’ll do this every 10 episodes or so: I’ll answer questions I’ve gotten from listeners. This is my first of such shows. But before I dive in, I have to express how truly happy and blessed I feel to be able to reach so many real estate professionals around the globe with this podcast. It’s truly an honor to see how many people I’ve been able to help improve their businesses and reach their goals. Here’s to many more!
Want to be a business magnet? Of course you do. So work it!
Attracting business to yourself is kinda my mojo. You’ve all heard me talk about it on Onion Juice. But it doesn’t happen overnight. It’s something you work on and build up. In this question and answer episode, my first listener question launches me straight into a discussion of how to do this. You might have to continue chasing business the old school way for a little while as you develop your ability to attract it to you. That’s okay! Anything worth doing is worth investing some time and energy into. Listen here for tips on just how to start developing that magnetism that can one day drive your success!
Start a local show! If I can do it, so can you.
The best way to start to attract business to yourself in my experience is to start a show. Like I always say, take a look at what radio shows have been doing for years. They get people to call in; they make things happen and get people engaged. Why shouldn’t a realtor model that? Interview local people. Be entertaining. Be a little vulnerable. Be REAL! Take a listen to this episode of Onion Juice to learn some of the specific things I’ve learned about how to attract business to yourself rather than burning up your energy chasing it.
People can’t relate to your Perfection.
In this episode, I answer some questions about how professional to be with people as a realtor, and how to be yourself while being professional. In a nutshell, I advise them to err on the side of being personal rather than professional. Obviously you don’t want to gush personal details to the world on social media, but I do suggest opening up to people. Bring people on the journey with you. I talk especially about making videos that are raw and real. You don’t have to make highly polished videos. In my experience, you shouldn’t even want to. Let me share some of my experiences of putting your true self out there so they see a real person they can relate to.
Life happens. So share it!
Even when it’s not pretty, share your story! I personally struggled with addiction in my past, but do I struggle to hide that or cover it up now? Absolutely not! As a friend put it, “Make your mess your story!” The final question I address in this Q and A episode of Onion Juice deals with this dynamic: how can the struggles you’ve faced actually end up being a benefit? And they can! Whatever life-altering struggles you may have survived, don’t try to shove them into a dark hole. It won’t work anyway. But you can actually use those experiences to help others, and at the same time to help advance your profession as a realtor.
Outline of this great episode
- [0:39] Doing things a little differently today: welcome to the Juice Bar!
- [4:10] How to get your questions to me.
- [5:07] This week in social media: videos on Twitter, panoramas on Facebook, and more!
- [9:35] First question: how can I start attracting business TODAY?
- [12:07] Second and third questions on videos and how to bring who you are into your work as a realtor.
- [17:53] About a video I made to help realtors succeed and how you can get it for free.
- [20:18] About leadpages and how to use them.
- [22:15] About huge, life-altering experiences folks have shared with me.
Resources & Links mentioned in this episode
Our sponsor:
Text the word “strength” to 44222 to get the video I made with strategies for success for my fellow realtors.
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by Neil Mathweg | Mar 7, 2016 | Podcast
Social media has come along, and Realtors are not so good at using it. Yeah, you can blast more people with your pushy sales messages, but are you getting customers from it? Probably not. Why? Because you’re not storyselling. You’re pushing your stuff on people who don’t want to hear it. Social media is NOT the place to blast people with market reports or inventory. It’s where people go to relax or be entertained. So how do you use social media in a way that actually engages with people on those levels? By storyselling. Find out how on this episode of Onion Juice.
Why I believe that storyselling is the only way for Realtors to market on social media.
The fact is that you DO have inventory to promote. You do have expertise and knowledge about things people need. But you can’t go onto social media and do those things. You have to work your way into their attention grid through entertaining them, moving them, inspiring them: and you do all of those things by telling stories. On this episode of Onion Juice I’m going to walk through what it means to storysell and explain the ways you can change your social media posting that will be more effective for the acquisition of clients and the increase of your business bottom line.
What is the CAUSEABILITY factor of the things you’re posting on social media?
What the HECK does THAT mean? It means there’s a reason behind why you’re posting what you’re posting. Sure, ultimately it may be to win people over so they will become your clients, but you actually need to have a deeper, more altruistic motive than that. You’ve got to be eager to HELP people first and foremost, even if it means you don’t get a sale or new client out of the deal. What does that look like and how does it really work? I’m going to tell you all about it on this episode.
The POWER of creating great value.
I’ve come to realize that when I post things on social media that are bland, uninteresting, or outright asking someone to do something, I’m not giving them adequate REASONS to pay attention to what I’m posting. If I’m going to win them over, I’ve got to give them something. I’ve got to be generous. I’ve got to create valuable things that they can actually use, so much so that they can’t believe that I’m giving it away for free. When I do that, I’m making a difference in their lives and building the foundation for a relationship – and relationships are what lead to sales. Find out more on this episode of Onion Juice.
You need to respect the social media platform you’re sharing on.
The WAY you post to social media depends entirely on WHAT SOCIAL MEDIA PLATFORM you’re posting on. Youtube is more of a search engine than it is an interactive, relational platform, so posting market reports or inventory reports there might make sense. But Facebook isn’t a search engine, it’s a relational and entertainment platform. People aren’t there to get market reports, they are there to have fun and catch up with friends. If you post your market reports on Facebook, you’ll get crickets. Find out how to change the game on your social media posting, on this episode.
Outline of this great episode
- [0:24] Welcome to this episode about “storytelling.”
- [0:40] Why the name “Onion Juice?”
- [2:18] My introduction to a marketing approach to storytelling.
- [6:39] The things your content MUST have to have storyselling power.
- [7:08] What is CAUSEABILITY?
- [10:45] The power of providing great VALUE.
- [12:50] Why you need to respect the PLATFORM you’re sharing on.
- [15:12] Is there a reason for INTERACTION with your post?
- [24:21] Would you use the link below to rate, review, and subscribe to the show?
Resources & Links mentioned in this episode – This episode’s sponsor: Knight Barry Title
Get the show notes to each episode by texting “OJnotes” to “44222.”
The Gary V. Show
Movie: Rudy
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by Neil Mathweg | Feb 29, 2016 | Podcast
Hey! Thank you so much for visiting this show notes page. This is where I give you a summary and all the resources for this particular episode. And what is this one about? YOUR story. Yep, your story is vital to the success of your business, and how you tell it is the most important part. I call it “story selling,” and it’s how you attract a following and engage them with you for the long haul. It’s the way you set yourself apart in their eyes and create a raving fan base rather than one time customers. I’m going to talk about all that on this episode of Onion Juice.
Why your story is so important.
In order for any business in these modern times to gain traction, it needs to be built upon a story. People are hardwired to think in terms of story. That’s why movies and books are so popular and continue to be. Your business has a story, and you need to be completely in tune with it so that you can tell it effectively to those who need what you have to offer. But you don’t want to tell it in a way that makes everything about you, your story exists for the service of your customers. You want to talk about them and what they need, and how your story and enables you to fulfill those needs. Find out how you can do that on this episode of Onion Juice.
HOW you tell your story is what matters.
If your potential clients are going to engage with you in a way that makes them loyal enough to tell others about you (which is what you want isn’t it?), then you have got to learn how to tell your story in a way that excites them. They need to be able to relate to it, to relate to you. They need to get to know you, not a perfect persona of who you want them to think you are, but who you really are. That way you feel real to them. That way you feel like a person just like them. People like to work with people, not businesses. On this episode I’m going to give you some tips about how you can tell your story in that fashion.
The Know, LIke, and Trust factor is essential.
Marketing guru Seth Godin, has often said that as you tell your story you have to gain people’s attention AND gain their trust. It’s both, not just one. Gone are the days of screaming at a potential audience through a television or radio commercial, you’ve got to engender trust in the way you communicate your message. And your message has to be about them, the client, the customer, the person you want to help. That is how you get them to know you, like you, and trust you, and trust is the key component in any business transaction. Be sure to listen to this episode of Onion Juice, I’m going to unload a boat load of contents about how you can build that trust.
The MUST ANSWER questions for the “About” page on your website.
If you have a website you probably have a page that is labeled “about.” It’s usually where we spout off a resume of qualifications and experiences. That is fine for as far as it goes, but it doesn’t go very far. Your about page has to be about your client – their needs, their desires, their pain, and how you are uniquely positioned to help them fix whatever problem it is they have come to you for. On this episode of Onion Juice I’m going to give you a list of questions that you must answer on your about Page, and give you a way you can have that list sent directly to you. This part alone is worth the time it will take you to listen.
Outline of this great episode
- [0:28] My welcome and preview of this episode.
- [0:43] Why “Onion Juice” for a podcast name?
- [2:10] What story are you telling your followers?
- [4:53] Every type of story that you tell your followers can be profitable.
- [5:37] Why you need to stand for something as a Realtor.
- [7:00] Decide who you are and what you want to be consistent with in your story.
- [8:30] Why your story needs to be told over and over and over.
- [10:30] The importance of being raw and real: like and trust.
- [12:58] Pay attention to your “about” or “bio” page with an eye on what the client is looking for.
- [14:37] Questions you should ask yourself when you’re creating your “about” or “bio” page.
Resources & Links mentioned in this episode – Today’s sponsor for this episode.
Text “OJNotes” to “44222” to get the show notes sent to you along with my video about how to do an open house the right way!
My bio page:
List of questions to ask when developing your bio –
– How did you arrive at running this business? What path brought you here?
– What are you known for professionally? What do you have a knack for?
– What’s the one problem you are best at solving for your clients?
– What do your ideal clients say about you?
– Who have you worked with in the past? And what have you done for them?
– What are you most passionate about professionally?
– What most excites you about your work & the contribution you can make?
– What are you passionate about personally?
– What do you really enjoy?
– What can’t you stop talking about?
– Where can we find you when you’re not working?
– What’s your favorite way to spend a weekend or a Sunday afternoon?
– How long have you been doing what you do?
– Where did you grow up and why aren’t you there now?
– Any volunteer activities you’re crazy about?
– Any nonprofits you love, & why?
– Any awards or medals, or even medallions? Personal okay, too.
– What would be impossible for you to give up?
– Why would someone not want to work with you?
– How do you want to be remembered?
– Anything else you’d like to tell people about yourself?
Connect with me for help on this neilmathweg (at) gmail (dot) com
Join me on Periscope: @NeilMathweg – Thursdays 10AM.
Follow Neil on:
Periscope (search for @NeilMathweg)
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