What’s your PASSION as a Real Estate Agent, And why should people care? – Episode 32
The Onion Juice podcast is all about attracting business as a real estate agent. Stop drinking fufu orange juice and switch to Onion Juice! In this episode I’ll talk about how important it is to have a clear “why,” a clear purpose to what you do and how you live. Not only that, I’ll help you learn how to put your particular “why” out there to the world. It’s our purpose that attracts people to us! Our passion for what we do. As a real estate agent coach, I want to help you discover your “why,” and more importantly, why people should care about it.
Of course your family drives you to work hard, but dig deeper! People care about their own families, not yours!
As a real estate agent, your purpose needs to be something that affects other people. That’s the only way you’ll attract people. Don’t make your family your “why.” In this podcast I tell you what my “why” is and how I discovered it. It might shock you! I found my passion by making myself vulnerable. I admitted some unsavory things about my past and then told people how those things have changed me, leaving me with a passion for improving the real estate industry. I want to put honesty and integrity back into this market, and that’s something other folks can appreciate and get on board with!
Open houses and print advertising don’t sell houses; they sell YOU as a real estate agent!
I used to do two open houses just about every weekend. That was before I learned the truth: only one percent of houses sold are the result of an open house. That’s a tiny fraction of the market! Another common misconception is that print advertising sells houses. It doesn’t! In this episode I explain why I have a big, beautiful two-page ad in the phonebook. It doesn’t bring me closings directly, but it does bring me listings. I have a passion for revealing counter-intuitive truths like this about the real estate market. And as my ratings show, agents have a passion for learning them!
Find what drives you and makes you passionate; find a cause!
My passion for changing the real estate industry, for making it a place of honesty and trust, is my cause. But I didn’t go out and look for it. It’s more like it found me. It was an organic growth out of my journey. Ask yourself: what cause inspires me? Is it a cause other people can get behind? Take a close look at the world you work in and think about what you’d like to bring to it. This podcast is all about locating your passion and putting it out there to the folks around you. Remember that enthusiasm is contagious. It can spread like wildfire. Learn how to harness your passion and put it to work for you!
A near-death experience can certainly make things clear, but fortunately, it’s not required!
In this episode I’ll tell you about a friend of mine who found his passion by accident–literally! He discovered it as the aftermath of breaking his back and nearly dying. After the accident he was a changed man. He wanted to give back, specifically to children who suffer similar things to the horror he suffered as an adult. He harnessed his passion and found a way to do just that. That’s a strong why! But it’s also an exaggerated example. Thankfully, we don’t have to come as close to death as my friend did to find our passions. In fact, for most of us, discovering our “why” is a slow process. All the more reason to start the process now!
Outline of this great episode
- [0:30] The Onion Juice show is all about challenging the status quo!
- [2:38] Your “why” is your cause, and that’s what attracts people to you.
- [5:30] How I found my why–by being vulnerable!
- [10:26] One percent of sales come from open houses; what that means for you.
- [13:30] Your why comes when a cause finds you and impassions you.
- [14:30] How a near-death experience shaped my friend’s “why.”
- [19:03] Your “why” is not your family; dig deeper!
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