Is your real estate business stuck? If you’ve tried all kinds of things without success, I have the solution for you.
Learn how to identify what’s holding you back from a successful real estate career. Do these 3 simple things to breakthrough and get unstuck.
Declutteryour business. Trying too many new things month after month just makes things confusing. Focus on what’s actually driving your business. You can make it “look pretty” later. Avoid getting distracted by “shiny object syndrome.”
Get back to the basics. Keep it simple. Before you focus on more complex strategies, make sure you’ve got a good handle on the basics — what you KNOW will work.
Focus on your chase pillar. It’s something that can give you transactions right away. There’s a reason it’s early in the Agent Rise steps! It drives your business and gets things going for you.
The three pillars in the Agent Rise Steps are your Sphere of Influence, the Chase, and Attraction. The Sphere of Influence pillar takes some time to grow, but could eventually lead to 80% of your business. If you’re not careful, the Attraction pillar will become a distraction. Remember, don’t neglect the Chase.
If you’re just getting started in real estate or feel like quitting, focus on these five most important steps first. If you do, you’ll be on your way to becoming the rookie agent of the year. You’ll get unstuck. You’ll be part of the 13% of agents who succeed!
Too many agents waste time on the wrong tasks. I’m this video we teach you to not waste your time making your real estate business look good before your business is actually driving forward and getting results. You can make it look pretty later!
Do these five steps and you’ll find the clarity you need to get results.
Build a database of around 100. And don’t worry about a flashy CRM to organize them right now. Keep it super simple.
Send an announcement letter. Let people know you need their support. Be vulnerable. People can’t relate to your perfection.
Mail to your database monthly — snail mail! You’ll stay top-of-mind. When they need a REALTOR, they’ll think of you!
Pick a chase pillar. This is the most important step. Open houses, FSBOs, expired listings, Facebook marketing. Pick something and do it!
MatchMake. Do this an hour every day to convert the leads you get from your chase pillar.
There are 5 more steps to do after you work on these. For a complete list CLICK HERE.
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