Agent Rise Summit Recap: Simplify Your Business to Amplify Your Results – Episode #215
I just wrapped up the Agent Rise Summit and my goal was to help agents find clarity—simplify your business to amplify your results. I wanted to give you a short overview of how the summit went, what we unpacked, and give you some key takeaways.
Confidence is a Muscle
Lisa Robb, of Raining Glitter Coaching, was the first guest speaker we had the opportunity to hear from. She spoke on the topic of confidence. So many agents leave the business because they lack confidence in themselves and their ability to do their job. So many of us strive to be the best at everything we do, and when we fall short, it can break us.
Lisa poignantly stated, “You don’t have to be the strongest and the fastest, you just have to be strong and fast”.
Confidence is a muscle, and just like weight training, it takes consistency and training to grow that muscle. You aren’t born with it. You are capable of building up your confidence. By focusing on the abilities that you can grow you can become strong and fast. You don’t have to be the best at everything to succeed.
This conference was meant to bring clarity to agents. To help you clarify what goals you want to reach, learn to simplify the process to amplify your success as well as to just have fun and grow with each other. My buddy Dustin Brohm—after delivering a great talk retargeting ads—brought us some comedic relief.
For his Q & A slide, he meant to imply that there are no dumb questions. But he wrote, “there are no wrong answers”. Let’s just say no one is letting that go soon, and it sparked a hashtag movement—#NoWrongAnswers. But wait, there’s more! There may even be some apparel coming out soon. Stay tuned.
Social Media: one and done?
Jerry Potter spoke on the topic of engagement and social media. He said something that left us all questioning if we had heard correctly: focus on one social media platform to master. He truly believes that if you focus your time and energy on mastering one platform you’ll see results.
Think about it. What would it look like if you did just focus on one platform?
I get the most traffic and engagement from LinkedIn. If I solely focused on that, how would it impact my business? He gave us all some food for thought, especially because it’s so easy to over diversify instead of simplifying.
The Power of LinkedIn
I formed a panel that consisted of Chantel Soumis, Jared Wiese, and Carrie Bohlig to speak about LinkedIn. When you think of social media, your mind probably doesn’t jump to LinkedIn. It hasn’t always been viewed as the powerhouse that is. But when you Google a name or person, what do you usually get at the top of the search results? LinkedIn.
LinkedIn is well optimized so that it comes up in the search results.
So it’s time to start taking advantage of that. Beef up your LinkedIn profile to make it pop. Pour into the community with videos and resources. Make it speak to people so that they will go check out your website or reach out to you. Don’t miss out on the opportunity that it gives you!
Go to to purchase access to the recordings of the summit! They’ll be available for a limited amount of time—don’t miss out!
Outline of this great episode
- [0:30] Agent Rise Summit Recap
- [5:05] Clarify, Simplify, and Amplify
- [6:30] Shut off the apps in your background
- [7:00] The 7 gears that need to work together
- [8:00] Write a letter to yourself
- [9:00] Confidence is a muscle
- [10:45] There are #NoWrongAnswers
- [13:20] The power of list-building
- [14:35] Social media and engagement
- [17:00] The power of LinkedIn
- [20:30] Where will the summit go next?
Recommended Resources
- Easy Agent Pro – to get a website like mine ( go to
- Shred Media – to take your digital marketing to next level go to
- To hear more great shows like Agent Rise visit
- Check out the Service for Life Real Estate Tool for a 10% discount!
- Join the Agent Inner Circle Community
Resources and Links mentioned in this episode
- Head to to check out my free masterclass!
- To get my listing presentation tips, text “LISTING” to 44222
- Join the Agent Rise Facebook Group (free) at
- To learn more about coaching, go to
- If you want to see my website as a REALTOR in Madison Wi go to
- Dustin Brohm
- Jason Frazier
- Jerry Potter
- Chantel Soumis
- Jared Wiese
- Lisa Robb
- Carrie Bohlig
Connect with Neil!
And connect with me on ANY of the following social channels. I LOVE social!
- Instagram (@neilmathwegcoaching or @neilmathweg (personal)
- Check out my YOUTUBE channel: all new content!
And finally, if you would be so kind – leave a rating and review for the Agent Rise podcast on Apple Podcasts (formerly iTunes)