In the latest series of the Agent Rise Podcast, Neil Mathweg and Mindi Kessenich take us on a deep dive into the complexities and strategies of acquiring listings in the current real estate market. The journey begins with a candid reflection on personal breakthroughs and the subtle art of understanding client hesitation.
One pivotal moment comes from Mindi’s revelation about overfunctioning—how it creates an illusion that one must prove their worth excessively before asking for business. This mindset is a common trap for real estate professionals, often hindering their ability to connect and convert leads effectively. The series emphasizes the importance of introspection and confronting personal barriers to growth and success.
Neil and Mindi also highlight the underestimated power of your sphere of influence. Contrary to popular belief, the people you’ve helped in the past are not just past clients; they are potential gateways to new opportunities. Engaging with your sphere, whether they are settled with a “honey of a rate” or not, can open doors to referrals and new listings. It’s about maintaining that connection, reminding them of your presence in the real estate realm, and positioning yourself as a resource for their investment aspirations.
The duo also introduces practical tools like HomeBot, a sophisticated system that aids in keeping clients informed about their home’s value, fostering regular interaction, and cementing your role as their go-to real estate advisor.
As the series progresses, Neil and Mindi plan to unravel more strategies, focusing on different market segments and innovative ways to secure listings. Their conversational, insightful approach makes the Agent Rise Podcast a must-listen for any real estate professional aiming to thrive in today’s market. Stay tuned, engage with your sphere, and be the reason someone smiles in your real estate journey today!
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Lead magnets in real estate has changed a lot. They’ve moved from just being content to genuine value offers. The recent Agent Rise Podcast digs deep into this change.
Neil Mathweg’s Take: With years of experience, Neil has watched and adapted to the shifts in lead magnets. He’s gone from sending out home-selling tips by mail to harnessing YouTube today. He fondly recalls older methods like offering relocation advice but stresses the current need to focus more on providing true value than just content.
YouTube’s Power: Mindi Kessenich loves YouTube. For her, it’s more than just a video platform; it’s a powerful tool to connect with potential clients. By just being real and not sticking to strict scripts, she’s drawn in people who feel they know her even before meeting. It’s about reaching the right audience, not the largest one.
Staying Connected: Realtors understand the value of their network. But, how often do they really connect with it? Neil finds consistency in newsletters vital, even if some find it cheesy. Mindi agrees, underlining the need for regular touchpoints.
To sum it up, even as the methods change, the heart of a lead magnet remains – offer true value. As real estate trends shift, staying updated and using modern lead magnets will help agents stand out.
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I recently asked the Agent Rise group what their “Top 5” sources are for acquiring leads. I was blown away because all but ONE person said that their sphere of influence was at the top of the list. This insight has established my whole trajectory for 2019 in what I want to accomplish in my own real estate business as well as the kind of content I want to bring to the Agent Rise Podcast in the coming year. Today I want to help you get a game plan for your sphere of influence so that you can take control of what’s driving your business.
Control what’s driving your real estate business
I am still SHOCKED at the number of agents I talk to who still don’t have a database. A lot of us get caught up in the day to day noise and all the other “stuff” our business can generate rather than focus on the thing that’s actually driving our business. It’s the equivalent of polishing your car instead of fixing its busted transmission. No matter how much wax you put on it the car still won’t drive! Your sphere of influence will make or break you as a real estate agent and without it, you will crash and burn.
The “WHO” in your sphere of influence MATTERS
When deciding who to include in your database there are some very obvious choices. Clients past and present are among that group. However, there are some crucial people you need in your sphere that you are probably overlooking. Think of your database in terms of a wedding invite list. Your nearest and dearest can be huge lead generators because they are your biggest fans. Even if they don’t live in your area don’t count them out! My Aunt Barb has sent me five revenue-generating clients from a different state. Other overlooked additions to your database could be old classmates, neighbors, and even your podiatrist! The point is anyone you interact with could help you sell your next home.
You worked hard for your database…now make it work for you!
Common real estate agents are the ones who spend all of this time and energy building a database only to do NOTHING with it. Seriously, why?! Going back to my car analogy, it’s time to put down the turtle wax and get your hands dirty doing the work that will drive your business. That beautiful database isn’t there just to take up space on an Excel spreadsheet. Make it work for you! Send out mailings. Invite people to client appreciation events. Shower your sphere of influence with gifts. If you love on the people who help make you successful I guarantee you will stay that way.
Finding YOUR people will make your sphere of influence effective
I get asked all the time about the number of people needed in a database to make it effective. Shooting from the hip I’d say 300 is a fairly healthy number, however, quality is far more important than quantity. 50 solid influencers are FAR more effective than 300 people you barely know. When I transitioned back to real estate sales I ended up gutting most of my database because a lot of my contacts weren’t worth the cost of postage for the mailers. I’m sure they were lovely people, but they weren’t MY people. They weren’t going to generate leads because I lacked the influence on them that would persuade them to exhibit influence for me. You have to be in their sphere in order for them to be in yours. The bottom line is don’t be afraid to take people out of your database just so you can have a bigger database. FInd your people and stick with them!
Outline of this great episode
[1:25] What is driving YOUR real estate business?
[4:07] The people you need in your sphere of influence
[8:29] So you have a database…now what?
[12:10] The “right” number of people needed to make your sphere of influence effective
[14:16] Why you can’t afford to be entitled
[16:49] How databases help breakthrough client communication barriers
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