Real Estate Leads From Uber Driving and How to Network Creatively – Episode 28
Whoa! There you are! I can’t believe you’re back for more of my outside-the-box thoughts about turning the Real Estate industry on its head. That must mean you’re a real Juicer! Thanks for joining me for this episode. Speaking of which, today we’re going to be drilling down into the issue of how you can market your Real Estate business in unique ways. I’m into this BIG TIME because getting noticed REQUIRES being original. People have seen it all before, so you’ve got to get their attention in new ways. Anyway, here we go… diving into this episode of Onion Juice.
Your Uber driver might be your next Realtor.
No joke! Today I’m chatting with my friend Dustin, who’s also a Realtor. He’s been working to get himself outside the box when it comes to driving his Real Estate business forward. He really did it this time – by applying to be a driver for Uber. What he found is that many of the people he drove were visiting his city and they’d naturally ask him what he did. What an amazing lead-in to a person new to the city, and many of them are actually in the process of relocating. Ingenious! I wish I had come up with that idea, don’t you? Find out more of Dustin’s great ideas for moving your business forward, on this episode.
Get over your pride and do things other people won’t!
There is all kinds of discomfort that comes with stepping out to do things differently. In this conversation with my friend Dustin he tells me the story of how he got started driving for Uber and as a result has been adding leads to his Real Estate business. But he had some fear to work through in order to do it. But think about it friends, think about it! People who get uncommon results usually do uncommon things. You’ve GOT to get over yourself and do what the average, run-of-the-mill Realtor is not willing and able to do!
Dogs don’t bark at parked cars!
Have you ever noticed that? The only kind of car that gets a dog’s attention is a car that is moving! Movement is a sign that something’s going on and as you get moving in your Real Estate business you’re going to attract those people who only want to bark! But that’s a good sign my friend, a very good sign. It means you’re going somewhere, you’re the kind of person who’s willing to try stuff that just might work! On this episode you’re going to hear a little brainstorming session I had with my buddy Dustin about this and a whole lot more.
What are you prepared to do?
Who can name the movie that line comes from? It’s The Untouchables – and Sean Connery’s character, Jim Malone is a wisened old beat cop who is enlisted in the group to help bring down Al Capone. He asks the question when Elliot Ness (Kevin Costner) asks him how to take down Capone. His point? You’re going to have to go farther than you really think you will in order to do what you want to do. That’s a great lesson for those building a business in Real Estate. You’re going to have to risk some things like your reputation, your comfort, and your sense of what’s normal and respectable in order to get the attention of the kind of clients you want to serve. Listen in and hear some great ideas about how to move in that direction, on this episode of #OnionJuice.
Outline of this great episode
- [0:24] My welcome to this episode about creative networking.
- [3:50] What you’ll hear in my conversation with Dustin.
- [9:50] Working through the fear.
- [13:35] Why this strategy is not a short term gain.
- [16:27] What’s it like to be a driver for Uber?
- [20:12] The response Dustin has received from his post.
- [22:50] Ideas for original and creative networking ideas.
Resources & Links mentioned in this episode
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Driving for Uber to get Real Estate Deals
Text “Dustin” to “44222” to get linked to his Uber blog post.
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