Welcome To Agent Rise First Name* Last Name* Email Address* Phone NumberHow long have you been an agent? Less than a year 1-5 years 5-10 years 10+ years Would you consider yourself a new agent, a stuck agent, an agent on the move to the next level?* New agent Stuck Agent Agent on the move to the next level What is the biggest challenge you face?On a scale of 1 to 10 how confident are you? 1 being I am so unsure of myself and abilities that I’m even wondering if this business is for me. To 10 I’m so confident I could teach this! How many agents are in your firm?* Less than 30 30-100 More than 100 Do you have agents in your firm that don't like doing open houses and would allow you to do them? Yes No Does your company provide any lead source?*YesNoIf yes, what do they provide Internet leads Walk in leads Relocation leads Referral from broker Other, explain below If you get leads from your broker, explain below what you get and how it works.What is the population (roughly) of the largest city in your market?* Do you belong to any large group?* Yes No If yes, tell me about the groups you belong to.*How many years have you lived in the town you are serving?* Less than a year 1-5 years 5+ years My entire life If you were getting married tomorrow how many would come to your wedding? Less than 50 50-100 100-200 More than 200 Of those coming to your wedding; how many of them would need to fly in?* Less than 10% 10-30% 30-50% More than 50% Are you well know in an area? Yes, I know a lot of people (some would consider me celebrity status) Yes, I know my fare share (I’m no stranger) No, I am new to town and know very few people How technically savvy are you?* Not savvy at all I’m pretty savvy but no pro I could build a sales funnel and run a Facebook ad with my eyes closed. Do you have experience with designing a website?* Yes No Do you have experience with running Facebook Ads?* I have only boosted a post I have run ads from Ads Manager Never boosted a post or ran an ad from Ads Manager Would you rather meet someone online (website lead) or in person (open house lead)?* Online (website lead) In Person (open house) Do you love meeting people in person or would you prefer a phone meeting? Meeting in person Over the phone is better Do you enjoy going to networking events?* They are ok, not my favorite Yes, I love them! No, I can't stand them! Do you enjoy hosting open houses? They are okay, but just have never gotten results from them. Yes, I love them! No, I can't stand them! What do you hate the most about hosting open houses?* The setup Working on the weekend Not knowing what to say The lead followup All of the above None of the above How are you doing financially at the moment?* Paycheck to paycheck I have some money saved up that I could use. I have a good amount of money that I could invest if I felt the return was there. We ask this question, only to see if an investment into a lead generator is possible or if we need to go with something that doesn't have a large cost.Do you like being on camera?* Yes, I'm already doing videos. Yes, but I'm not sure what to do. No, it's not for me. Do you like to write?* Yes, I've already started a blog or I write a newsletter Yes, I love writing, just not sure what to do. No, it's not for me. Have you ever thought of starting a podcast? Yes, I already have something in the works Yes, but no idea where to begin No, it's not for me. What was your best year so far? (year and volume or units)What is your goal? (volume or units)*What do you think is preventing you from achieving that goal?*On a scale of 1 to 10 how confident are you? 1 being I am so unsure of myself and my abilities that I'm even wondering if this business is for me. To 10, I 'm so confident I could teach it!*What do you want to get out of coaching?*