Optimizing Productivity for Real Estate Agents: Time Inventory and Goal Alignment (Ep 426)

Optimizing Productivity for Real Estate Agents: Time Inventory and Goal Alignment (Ep 426)

Optimizing Productivity for Real Estate Agents: The Power of Time Inventory and Goal Alignment

In today’s fast-paced real estate market, agents are expected to perform at their best, staying organized and consistently achieving their targets. One way to enhance performance is by tapping into the power of time inventory and aligning goals strategically. Let’s dive deeper into these concepts.

1. Understanding the Concept of Time Inventory for Real Estate Agents

Time inventory, at its core, is the process of taking stock of how one spends their time. For real estate agents, this means breaking down a typical week or month to understand where their hours go.

Steps to Implement Time Inventory:

  • Track Your Activities: For a week, note down every task you engage in, from client meetings, and property showings, to paperwork. Use tools like time-tracking apps or a simple notebook.
  • Categorize Your Tasks: Group your activities into categories. For instance, client interactions, administrative work, personal development, and downtime.
  • Analyze Time Spent: Reflect on where most of your time is going. Are you spending more time on tasks that don’t directly lead to sales or client satisfaction? Is there a balance between work and personal time?

2. Aligning Goals for Maximum Productivity for Real Estate Agents

Once you understand how you’re spending your time, the next step is to align your activities with your broader career and personal goals.

Strategies for Goal Alignment:

  • Prioritize Revenue-Generating Activities: Real estate agents thrive on successful sales and client relationships. Focus on tasks that directly contribute to these outcomes. For instance, if you find you’re spending too much time on admin work, consider delegating or automating these tasks.
  • Set Clear Objectives: Define what success looks like for you, both in the short and long term. Is it a certain number of property sales, client referrals, or perhaps a work-life balance? Having clarity helps in directing your efforts effectively.
  • Regularly Review and Adjust: The real estate market is dynamic. Revisit your goals and time inventory every few months to ensure you’re on track and make necessary adjustments.

3. The Synergy of Time Inventory and Goal Alignment for Real Estate Agents

When real estate agents combine the insights from their time inventory with goal alignment, a powerful synergy is achieved.

For instance, you might discover through your time inventory that you’re spending a disproportionate amount of time on property research. By aligning this with your goals, you could streamline the process, invest in tools or services that expedite research, or allocate specific times of the day or week for this task.

4. Leveraging Technology

In today’s technologically advanced era, there’s an abundance of tools specifically designed for real estate professionals, aiding in effective delegation and workflow management. A standout amongst these is Tango.us. This intuitive app not only simplifies the documentation of processes but also streamlines the handoff, ensuring tasks are executed seamlessly.


For real estate agents, optimizing productivity is not just about working harder but working smarter. By harnessing the power of time inventory and aligning activities with goals, agents can achieve more in less time, ensuring both professional success and personal well-being.  More episodes of the Agent Rise Podcast here.

Optimizing Productivity for Real Estate Agents: The Power of Time Inventory and Goal Alignment


Getting Listings Sold in Today’s Real Estate Market (Episode 425)

Getting Listings Sold in Today’s Real Estate Market (Episode 425)

Mastering Today’s Real Estate Market: Getting Listings Sold in Today’s Real Estate Market

The real estate world is evolving, bringing new challenges for agents who want to sell properties. Getting listings sold in today’s real estate market can be challenging. Listings that used to fly off the market now sit longer, prompting agents to seek new strategies. On the Agent Rise Podcast, Neil Mathweg gave agents some answers, offering insights that can redefine their selling approach.

Harness the Three P’s: Pictures, Price, and Property

  • Pictures: In our tech-driven era, images give the first impression of any property. Neil advises agents to choose quality, angle, and appeal carefully. Unflattering photos can deter potential buyers. He recommends removing unappealing photos and using tools like BoxBrownie to enhance others. It’s essential to capture every essential aspect of a property.
  • Price: While everyone acknowledges the importance of pricing, Neil offers a fresh take. He advises agents to evaluate and improve the property first. Only after this should you consider price adjustments. It’s not just about the number; perceived value also plays a role.
  • Property: How a property is presented matters immensely. Neil emphasizes listening to feedback from potential buyers. If they don’t feel impressed, you should make changes. Simple tweaks, such as staging or decor adjustments, can have a significant impact.

Innovate the Selling Process in Getting Listings Sold in Today’s Real Estate Market

After mastering the Three P’s, Neil encourages agents to think outside the box. For instance, you can generate interest by pairing a new price with an open house. This tactic often leads to more people attending open houses and more offers.

Communication is Key

Keeping sellers informed fosters trust. Regular updates ensure clients feel valued and involved. For example call your clients every Tuesday to give them an update on anything regarding their listing.

Broaden Your Horizons

In tricky market situations, Neil suggests agents:

  1. Stay Connected: Keep lines of communication open with potential buyers.
  2. Seek Opportunities: Look for agents with clients who fit your property’s profile.
  3. Expand Marketing: Don’t just stick to traditional platforms. Use platforms like Facebook Marketplace, local buy/sell groups, and even Craigslist.

Conclusion: Aim to Excel

Real estate is always changing. But with the core principles of the three P’s, innovative selling tactics, and a proactive approach, agents can excel. As Neil Mathweg wisely says, the goal is not just to get through tough times but to come out stronger.


YouTube for Realtors: How to Build a Channel that Converts – Part 4 (Episode 424)

YouTube for Realtors: How to Build a Channel that Converts – Part 4 (Episode 424)

Are you a real estate agent looking to level up your game on YouTube? If so, you’re in the right place! In this episode of the Agent Rise podcast, co-hosts Neil Mathweg and Mindy Kessenich discuss how real estate agents can take their YouTube presence to the next level. From finding your niche to optimizing your studio setup, they cover essential strategies to help you succeed in the world of real estate YouTube marketing.

Finding Your Niche and Content Buckets: Beyond starting with the “Living In” and “Moving To” keywords, one of the next steps in mastering YouTube for real estate is finding your niche. What are you passionate about in your hometown or city? Do you love outdoor activities like hiking, kayaking, or biking? Are you a food enthusiast who enjoys exploring local restaurants? Identifying your interests will help you create content buckets around them. Content buckets are specific topics or themes that you consistently cover in your videos. These buckets should align with your interests and what potential homebuyers or relocators are searching for.

Engaging Your Audience: Building a loyal audience on YouTube requires more than just posting videos. It’s about engaging your viewers and providing valuable content. Mindy emphasizes the importance of talking about things that resonate with your audience. When your content matches your audience’s interests, you’ll attract like-minded viewers who share your passion. Remember that finding your ideal avatar, someone who aligns with your interests, can help you tailor your content to your target audience effectively.

Optimizing Your Studio Setup: Creating a professional studio setup is crucial for producing high-quality videos. Neil shares his journey of setting up his studio, emphasizing the importance of sound quality and lighting. A dark, windowless room can be an advantage, as it provides consistent lighting conditions. Invest in good lighting equipment to make your videos look polished and professional. Don’t forget about soundproofing and eliminating background noise, which can significantly impact the quality of your videos.

Editing and Post-Production: The discussion also covers the role of editing in video production. Neil introduces Descript, a powerful tool for recording and editing within the same app. Descript offers transcriptions and AI-driven editing features that help you remove filler words like “ums” and “ahs” to make your videos more polished. It’s an excellent option for DIY content creators who want to streamline their editing process.

Join the Agent Rise Community: Whether you’re new to YouTube or a seasoned content creator, joining the Agent Rise community can provide you with valuable insights, masterminds, and ongoing coaching to help you succeed in the competitive world of real estate YouTube marketing. Staying up-to-date with YouTube algorithms and best practices is essential, and the Agent Rise community is the perfect place to do just that.

In conclusion, YouTube is a powerful platform for real estate agents looking to connect with their audience and showcase their expertise. By finding your niche, creating content buckets, optimizing your studio setup, and mastering video editing, you can take your YouTube game to the next level. Join the Agent Rise community to gain access to valuable resources and coaching that will help you thrive in the world of real estate YouTube marketing. Your journey to YouTube success starts here!

YouTube for Realtors: How to Build a Channel that Converts – Part 3 (Episode 423)

YouTube for Realtors: How to Build a Channel that Converts – Part 3 (Episode 423)

YouTube has emerged as an essential platform for real estate agents looking to expand their reach and engage with a broader audience relocating to your area. The process, however, isn’t as simple as hitting the record button. There are nuances to consider, especially if you’re aiming for content that not just attracts but also converts. In the latest episode of the Agent Rise Podcast, co-hosts Neil Mathweg and Mindi Kessenich discuss the nuts and bolts of recording and editing for YouTube.

Links mentioned in the episode.

Video editing – Descript.com

Audio Improvement – https://auphonic.com/


YouTube for Realtors: How to Build a Channel that Converts: (YouTube Video)

YouTube for Realtors: How to Build a Channel that Converts: (Podcast Audio Only)

YouTube for Realtors: How to Build a Channel that Converts – Part 2 (Episode 422)

YouTube for Realtors: How to Build a Channel that Converts – Part 2 (Episode 422)

In the second installment of our three-part series, co-hosts Neil Mathweg and Mindi Kessenick discuss how real estate agents can leverage YouTube for exponential growth. In this episode, they discuss the foundational steps required to establish a YouTube channel that delivers results. Drawing on their personal experiences and insights, the duo delves into:

  1. Keyword Research – Understand the importance of using localized and targeted keywords to ensure your videos reach the right audience.
  2. Scripting – Plan out your videos by using tools like ChatGPT for guidance, but ensure you remain authentic and resonant withy your audience.
  3. Recording & Editing – Remove barriers to content creation by setting up a studio and outsourcing editing tasks when necessary.
  4. Thumbnails – Recognize the importance of compelling thumbnails in capturing potential viewers’ attention.
  5. Posting & Descriptions – Perfect the art of writing descriptions, using tags effectively, and setting up end caps and cards.

By the end of the episode, listeners will have a roadmap to building their first YouTube video and getting their channel off the ground. Let’s Go!

YouTube for Realtors: How to build a channel that converts – YouTube Video:

YouTube for Realtors: How to build a channel that converts – Podcast Audio Only:

YouTube for Realtors: How to Build a Channel that Converts – Part 1 (Episode 421)

YouTube for Realtors: How to Build a Channel that Converts – Part 1 (Episode 421)

In the first installment of our three-part series, co-hosts Neil Mathweg and Mindi Kessenick discuss how real estate agents can leverage YouTube for exponential growth. This episode dives deep into why YouTube is the go-to platform for agents looking to attract a new wave of clients relocating from other cities or states. The episode covers how YouTube is different from social media platforms, its utility in connecting with the audience, and why some types of content work better than others. Tune in to elevate your YouTube game and stay ahead of the curve.

YouTube Video of Podcast:

Audio Only of Podcast:

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