Finding Abundance in Your Real Estate Business: Lessons from the Sand Dollar Story – Episode 408

Finding Abundance in Your Real Estate Business: Lessons from the Sand Dollar Story – Episode 408

In this episode of the Agent Rise podcast, co-hosts Neil Mathweg and Mindi Kessenich share an inspiring story from a recent experience of finding sand dollars at the beach before the Agent Rise Summit. This story serves as a powerful metaphor for finding abundance and opportunities in your real estate business. We’ll delve into the sand dollar story and explore how it can help you shift your mindset and achieve success in the real estate industry.

The Mindset Shift

From Lack to Opportunity, Neil and Mindi emphasized the importance of shifting your mindset from a place of lack to a mindset of opportunity. They highlighted how easy it is to become consumed by the things you lack in your real estate business. By constantly fixating on what you don’t have, you limit your ability to see the opportunities that surround you.

The sand dollar story reminds us that by focusing on opportunities, being open to new experiences, and taking action, we can discover unexpected sources of success.

The Power of Engagements: Consistency and Building Relationships

Mindi emphasized the importance of engagements, which are the foundation of a thriving real estate business. Engagements involve connecting with people, fostering relationships, and staying top of mind with your sphere of influence. Mindi shared practical strategies such as going on walks, arranging coffee or lunch appointments, and attending gatherings to expand engagements.

Neil further discussed the three pillars of a real estate business: sphere, chase, and attraction. By working consistently on engagements, you can nurture your sphere of influence, generate leads through chasing prospects, and expand your reach through attraction marketing. The key is to stay consistent, even during slower market seasons or busy periods when it’s tempting to neglect engagements.

Flexibility and Customization: Adapting Day Blocking to Your Needs

Neil mentioned the flexibility of day blocking, which allows real estate professionals to tailor their schedules to their unique circumstances and preferences. While the original day-blocking plan provides structure and guidelines, it’s essential to adapt it to your current season of life and work.

Whether you’re a new agent, experiencing different market conditions, or juggling personal commitments, customizing your day blocking can help you maintain consistency while adjusting to your specific needs. The goal is to develop sustainable habits that support your business growth and keep engagements at the forefront of your daily activities.

Embracing Trust and Action: Overcoming Overthinking and Imposter Syndrome

Mindi and Neil discussed the importance of trust in oneself and the need to overcome overthinking and imposter syndrome. Mindi shared her experience of developing the habit of taking daily walks and how it became a priority for her, even when her routine shifted during the summer months. Similarly, in the real estate business, once you’ve developed consistent habits and priorities, you can trust yourself to take action and seize opportunities.

Neil acknowledged that overthinking can hinder progress and emphasized the significance of taking action without feeling the need to be overly prepared. Many real estate agents fall into the trap of being perpetual students, always seeking more knowledge but not taking the necessary steps to succeed. The sand dollar story serves as a reminder to get out of your own way, trust yourself, and take action.

Conclusion: The sand dollar story is a powerful metaphor for finding abundance and opportunities in your real estate business. By shifting your mindset from lack to opportunity, staying consistent with engagements, customizing day blocking to your needs, and embracing trust and action, you can achieve success and propel your business forward.

Remember, just like Neil and Mindi found an abundance of sand dollars by taking action and staying open to possibilities, you too can discover endless opportunities in your real estate business by maintaining a mindset of abundance and consistently engaging with your network.

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Setting Boundaries in Real Estate: Your Key to Success – Episode 307

Setting Boundaries in Real Estate: Your Key to Success – Episode 307

Setting Boundaries in Real Estate: Your Key to Success

Welcome back! This week, we’re diving into a topic that might make some of you slightly uncomfortable, but is essential for thriving in real estate: setting boundaries. Continuing our conversation from last week, when we discussed the power of setting three goals over 12 weeks, day blocking, and the ever-elusive concept of vacations, this time we’re focusing on how to effectively draw lines in the sand with clients and with yourself.

In the latest episode of the Agent Rise podcast, hosts Neil Mathweg and Mindi Kessenich discuss the love-hate relationship agents often have with boundaries and share their insights on how to successfully manage expectations and prevent burnout in a fast-paced real estate world.

Let’s dive into the key takeaways.

Real Estate is not a 24/7 Job

Many agents start their careers under the impression that they have to be available 24/7 to succeed. It’s an understandable misconception, considering that many clients can only view properties or discuss transactions outside of their work hours. But in reality, constantly being on call can lead to resentment, exhaustion, and ultimately, a less satisfying professional and personal life.

One of the podcast’s highlights was Mindi’s win story. After scheduling a weekend viewing for a client who was only casually browsing, she decided to set a boundary, suggesting postponing the showing until after the holiday weekend. And the outcome? The client was completely understanding, giving Mindi her Saturday back and reinforcing the importance of setting clear expectations with clients.

Setting Boundaries is Essential

Neil pointed out that one common mistake agents make is not setting boundaries until they’ve reached the point of burnout. Many agents are so desperate to secure deals that they won’t risk upsetting a potential client by expressing their availability limits. However, this approach can lead to a buildup of resentment and dissatisfaction that could potentially harm the agent-client relationship in the long run.

According to Mindi, part of the problem is fear – fear that if you set boundaries, clients won’t want to work with you. However, if you communicate your availability clearly and in a professional manner, most clients will understand and respect your schedule. The key is to have this conversation early in the relationship to avoid any misunderstandings or resentment later on.

It’s About Expectations and Confidence

When it comes to boundaries, it all boils down to setting clear expectations and having the confidence to enforce them. As Neil stressed, you have to come from a place of confidence to effectively set and maintain boundaries. If you are assured in the value you bring to the table, clients will respect your boundaries and may even admire your professional integrity.

The Benefits of a Team

A team can be a significant asset when it comes to maintaining boundaries. If you can’t manage a showing due to your personal commitments, having a team member step in ensures your clients’ needs are met without infringing on your personal time. It’s all about managing client expectations and letting them know upfront that while you may not always be available, there is a team behind you ready to assist.

Picture the Future

One exercise Neil recommended for listeners was to imagine managing 50 transactions in a year. This visualization helps agents realize the necessity of setting boundaries and having a clear structure in place. Working non-stop might seem feasible for 5 or 10 transactions a year, but as your business grows, so does the importance of a healthy work-life balance.

As we wrap up, remember that setting boundaries is not just about protecting your personal time, it’s about delivering the best possible service to your clients. By being transparent about your availability and maintaining those boundaries, you show your clients that you value both your time and theirs, which can significantly boost their respect for you and improve your working relationship.

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Summer Thrive Mode: Strategies for Real Estate Agents to Excel During the Season – Episode 406

Summer Thrive Mode: Strategies for Real Estate Agents to Excel During the Season – Episode 406

As a real estate agent, staying focused and productive during the mid-year and summer months is crucial for maintaining momentum and achieving business goals. In this engaging episode of the Agent Rise podcast, Neil Mathweg and Mindi Kessenich provide valuable insights and strategies specifically tailored to real estate agents.

Maintaining Routine and Embracing Flexibility: Discover how successful agents navigate the challenges of summer while still maintaining a sense of routine. Neil and Mindi share their personal experiences and offer strategies for finding a new routine that allows flexibility without sacrificing productivity. Learn how to strike a balance between work and personal life during the summer months.

The Power of Three Goals Over 12 Weeks: Real estate agents need clear objectives to stay focused and motivated. Neil introduces the Agent Rise three goals over 12 weeks system, designed to help agents set specific goals and break them down into manageable tasks.

Day Blocking: Boosting Productivity in Limited Work Hours: Discover the concept of day blocking and its potential to enhance productivity during the summer season. Neil explains how agents can allocate specific tasks each day, maximizing efficiency even with limited work hours. Gain valuable insights on prioritizing tasks, identifying non-negotiables, and eliminating less critical commitments to make room for family time and self-care.

The Vitality of Vacation: Recharge for Success: Vacations are not a luxury but a necessity for real estate agents. Learn how taking time off can actually benefit your business in the long run. Neil and Mindi share personal stories and strategies for planning vacations, ensuring a smooth transition with clients and team members. Discover the power of recharging your mental and physical well-being to boost your overall performance and productivity.

Embrace the Summer: Thriving as a Real Estate Agent: The summer season is an opportunity to flourish as a real estate agent, and Neil and Mindyiare here to guide you. By implementing their practical tips, you can navigate the unique challenges of the summer months while maintaining focus and productivity. So, join the Agent Rise podcast and gain invaluable insights that will empower you to thrive in the real estate industry this summer.

Conclusion: Real estate agents who are looking to stay motivated, and productive, and achieve their goals during the summer months will find inspiration and practical strategies in this episode of the Agent Rise podcast. By tuning in, you’ll gain insights into maintaining a routine, setting goals, boosting productivity, and embracing vacations to recharge and thrive. Don’t miss out on this valuable resource tailored specifically for real estate agents.

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Redefining Real Estate: Professionalism and Exceptional Service (Episode 405)

Redefining Real Estate: Professionalism and Exceptional Service (Episode 405)

Redefining Real Estate: Professionalism and Exceptional Service

In this episode, Mindi Kessenich, delves into the importance of maintaining professional standards, building a solid foundation, and presenting yourself and your offers with distinction. Whether you’re a seasoned agent or just starting out, these insights will help you attract clients and stand out in a competitive market.

  1. Building the Transmission: Setting the Foundation In real estate, it’s essential to prioritize building the transmission before focusing on aesthetics. Just like waxing a car while the transmission is broken, making your business look pretty without a solid foundation can lead to inefficiencies and missed opportunities. Invest time and effort into developing robust processes, systems, and a well-oiled machine. This foundation will empower you to serve clients effectively and set the stage for future growth.
  2. Real Estate as a Platform for Service: Embracing Opportunities Real estate is more than just buying and selling properties; it’s a platform to love, serve, and lead others. Instead of conforming to a predetermined mold, seize the opportunity to express your unique approach and values. Challenge the industry norms and strive to make a positive impact. By embracing this mindset, you can differentiate yourself and provide exceptional service that resonates with clients.
  3. Integrity and Professionalism: The Cornerstones of Success Integrity and professionalism are inseparable in the real estate industry. Upholding ethical standards is paramount, ensuring that your clients’ trust and best interests are always at the forefront. Beyond the basics, go the extra mile by being an excellent communicator and doing thorough due diligence. Show up as a true professional by knowing your clients inside out and being well-prepared for every interaction.
  4. Going the Extra Mile: Building Relationships and a Legacy As a real estate agent, you have the opportunity to be a leader and build a lasting legacy. Consider each transaction as an opportunity to leave a positive and lasting impression on everyone involved. Whether it’s responding promptly to emails, going above and beyond for all parties, or being a reliable resource, every action can shape how you are perceived. By nurturing relationships and showcasing professionalism, you pave the way for future success.
  5. Doing Your Homework: Enhancing Listing Excellence To excel as a listing agent, thorough research and attention to detail are crucial. Create checklists and systems to ensure you never overlook any important property details. Show sellers that you genuinely value their time by being well-prepared and knowledgeable. By being proactive and addressing potential concerns upfront, you demonstrate your commitment to providing an exceptional experience.
  6. Sprucing Up Presentations: Captivating Clients and Setting Yourself Apart In today’s competitive market, it’s essential to differentiate yourself when presenting offers. Utilize digital resources like Etsy and Canva to create visually stunning and personalized presentations. Explore professionally designed templates that you can easily customize with your branding and contact information. These eye-catching materials will make a lasting impression on clients and fellow agents, showcasing your dedication and attention to detail.

Conclusion: Elevating your real estate business requires a combination of professional standards and standout presentations. By building a solid foundation, embracing opportunities for service, and prioritizing integrity and professionalism, you can set yourself apart from the competition. Invest in doing your homework, exceeding expectations, and leveraging digital tools to create captivating presentations. Remember, your success in real estate not only lies in commissions but also in the relationships you build and the legacy you leave. Embrace these strategies and watch your business flourish in today’s dynamic market.

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Mastering the Power of Thoughts: Transform Your Real Estate Career – Episode 404

Are you ready to unlock your true potential as a real estate agent? Discover the incredible influence your thoughts can have on your success and well-being. In this thought-provoking podcast episode Agent Rise, co-hosted by Neil Mathweg and Mindi Kessenich. We highly recommend listening to the full episode for an in-depth exploration of this powerful topic.

The Energy from the Agent Rise Summit: At the Agent Rise Summit, real estate professionals gathered to immerse themselves in an atmosphere charged with motivation and inspiration. Neil and Mindi are determined to maintain that energy and continue the conversation surrounding the summit’s most impactful breakthrough: the realization that our thoughts shape our reality. Discover how taking control of your thoughts can revolutionize your real estate career.

Taking Control of Thoughts: A Game-Changer for Success: Learn from Neil’s personal journey as he discovered that our thoughts and emotions play a crucial role in manifesting our desires. Negative thoughts, often referred to as “stinking thinking,” can hinder progress and create a cycle of negativity. Gain insights from Mindi as she discusses taking responsibility for our circumstances and understanding the role our thoughts play in shaping our lives. Discover how you can overcome limiting beliefs and embrace a more positive and empowering mindset.

Being Who You Want to Become: Align your actions with the vision of the person you aspire to become. Neil shares his weight loss journey, emphasizing the difference between relying on diets and leveraging the power of the mind. By changing limiting beliefs and consistently making choices that align with the vision of a healthier self, you can achieve lasting transformations in all areas of your life.

Conclusion: Mastering the power of thoughts is a game-changer for real estate agents seeking success, fulfillment, and personal growth. Embrace the breakthrough moments shared in the podcast and embark on a journey of self-discovery and transformation. By cultivating a positive mindset and making intentional choices, you’ll unlock your full potential and achieve remarkable results in your real estate endeavors.

Resources and Links mentioned in this episode:

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The Power of Getting in the Room: Insights from the Agent Rise Summit 2023 – Episode 403

The Power of Getting in the Room: Insights from the Agent Rise Summit 2023 – Episode 403

The Power of Getting in the Room: Insights from the Agent Rise Summit 2023 - Episode 403

Attending industry conferences and summits can be a game-changer for real estate agents. These events provide valuable opportunities for personal growth, networking, and gaining insights from industry experts. In this episode, we’ll delve into the Agent Rise Summit 2023, an event that highlighted the transformative power of getting in the room with like-minded individuals. We’ll explore some of the key takeaways from the summit, the importance of connecting in person, and the significant impact it can have on a real estate agent’s business and mindset.

Unpacking the Agent Rise Summit 2023: The Agent Rise Summit 2023 brought together real estate agents from all over the country for an immersive experience focused on personal and professional development. Hosted by Neil Mathweg, in Downtown Fort Myers, FL.  The summit was a platform for sharing valuable insights and fostering a supportive community.

  1. The Power of Being in the Room: One of the main themes that emerged from the summit was the power of physically being in the room with fellow agents. While virtual interactions have their place, there’s a unique energy and connection that comes from face-to-face interactions. Attendees raved about the life-changing moments, new perspectives gained, and the excitement that arose from being surrounded by like-minded individuals.
  2. The Importance of Networking: The summit emphasized the significance of networking and building meaningful connections within the industry. Attendees had the opportunity to engage in conversations with other agents, share experiences, and exchange ideas. The sense of camaraderie and support was palpable, as agents encouraged and cheered each other on in their pursuit of success.
  3. Overcoming Limiting Beliefs and Dreaming Big: Mindy Kessenich shared her personal experience of confronting limiting beliefs and allowing herself to dream big. The summit provided a safe and empowering environment for her to acknowledge her goals and aspirations, even those she had been hesitant to admit before. The encouragement and cheer from fellow attendees solidified her belief in herself and her dreams, inspiring her to take bold actions and make significant strides in her business.
  4. Sparking Momentum and Taking Action: TJ McGraw highlighted the transformative impact the summit had on his team members. The event served as a catalyst for shedding limiting beliefs and adopting a growth mindset. Agents who initially harbored doubts and concerns left the summit on fire, ready to take massive action. The positive language shifted from “I can’t” to “I want to” and “I will,” as agents expressed their intentions to explore new marketing strategies, launch social media campaigns, and embrace their full potential.
  5. Personal Triumphs and New Directions: The summit not only ignited agents’ professional aspirations but also facilitated personal triumphs. Tyler, an attendee, shared his remarkable story of surviving a devastating motorcycle accident. The summit empowered him to embrace his new reality, challenge his limitations, and pursue his real estate business with unwavering determination. Tyler’s inspiring journey epitomizes the resilience and strength that can be found within the real estate community.

Attending events like the Agent Rise Summit 2023 can be a transformative experience for real estate agents. The power of getting in the room with like-minded individuals, connecting on a deeper level, and exchanging insights is immeasurable.

It’s not too late for you to “get in the room” and join what happened at the Agent Ris Summit.  Go to for all the details.

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And connect with me on ANY of the following social channels. I LOVE social!

Unleashing Your Potential: Transforming Limiting Beliefs in Real Estate – Episode 402

Unleashing Your Potential: Transforming Limiting Beliefs in Real Estate – Episode 402

Welcome, real estate agents! In this episode of the Agent Rise Podcast, we delve into the power of removing limiting beliefs and share a personal story that revolutionized my marriage. Get ready to discover a transformative approach that can elevate your relationships, both personal and professional. As we explore the insights from this episode, you’ll learn how rewriting past memories and embracing a growth mindset can propel you toward success in the real estate industry. Join us at the Agent Rise Summit 2023, where we’ll delve even deeper into these concepts. Secure your tickets today! (

Embracing a Journey of Self-Discovery: In this episode, we witness how personal growth can revolutionize relationships. The host shares his experience of uncovering limiting beliefs in his marriage and the profound impact it had on his relationship. By embarking on a journey of self-discovery and rewriting past memories, we can break free from the chains of our past and open doors to new possibilities.

From Victim to Understanding: Many arguments stem from a mindset of playing the victim. However, we can shift the dynamics by choosing understanding over victimhood. Discover how fighting for understanding instead of fighting for the victim can transform conflicts into opportunities for growth and connection. By seeking to understand how others feel and why they react the way they do, we can foster deeper, more meaningful relationships.

Unleashing Your Inner Child: Exploring the concept of the inner child, we uncover how childhood experiences shape our beliefs and behaviors. By revisiting these pivotal moments and rewriting the stories attached to them, we can liberate ourselves from limiting beliefs. The host shares a personal example of how he helped his wife overcome her belief of inadequacy, allowing her to pursue new endeavors with confidence.

Reprogramming Your Subconscious: Our beliefs, deeply ingrained in our subconscious, influence our thoughts and actions. To overcome limiting beliefs, we must reprogram our subconscious mind through repetition and affirmations. By replacing negative beliefs with empowering ones, we can transform our mindset and tap into our true potential. Discover how the power of repetition and affirmations can reshape your life and business.

Designing Your Life: Rather than allowing life to happen to us, we have the power to shape our own destiny. Through intentional design, we can create the life and career we desire. Learn how the Agent Rise Summit 2023 can help you envision your NEWYOU and provide practical strategies for removing limiting beliefs, developing new routines, and seizing opportunities in today’s real estate market.

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Celebrating 400 Episodes (part 2): How to build a real estate career you love – Episode 401

Celebrating 400 Episodes (part 2): How to build a real estate career you love – Episode 401

We continue our conversation from the 400th episode of the Agent Rise Podcast, where Neil Mathweg is interviewed by Mindi Kessenich and TJ McGraw, two agents he’s coached and helped transform their careers.  They discuss the evolution of the coaching program to Agent Rise, the origin and impact of the framework, and the importance of consistency in business. Hear about the journey to the upcoming Agent Rise Summit, taking place from May 21st to the 23rd in downtown Fort Myers (details at

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Celebrating 400 Episodes: How to build a real estate career you love – Episode 400

Celebrating 400 Episodes: How to build a real estate career you love – Episode 400

In this milestone 400th episode of the Agent Rise Podcast, Neil Mathweg is interviewed by Mindi Kessenich and TJ McGraw, two agents he’s coached and helped transform their careers. Join them as they reminisce about the Onion Juice days and discuss the evolution of the coaching program to Agent Rise, the origin and impact of the framework, and the importance of consistency in business. Hear about the journey to the upcoming Agent Rise Summit, taking place from May 21st to the 23rd in downtown Fort Myers (details at AND Make sure to listen to the end for a good laugh!

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