Facebook Live Tips & Content Ideas For Real Estate Agents

Facebook Live Tips & Content Ideas For Real Estate Agents

Giving your brand exposure on Facebook is a wise thing to do.  Even wiser, do Facebook Live’s.  The challenge I see the most, is agents doing them wrong and missing the whole reason why you should do Facebook Lives – that is to create ENGAGEMENT.

Today, I want to give you Facebook Live Tips and Content Ideas for Real Estate Agents.

Tip #1. Write a compelling title

Draw people in with your heading. For example instead of “Open House Sunday 1-3 at 123 Main St” go with something like:

“Are you looking for a house with an amazing kitchen? Wait till you see this one…”

Tip #2. Ask a question for people to answer.

Remember, social media is all about being social.  You need to ask question that is easy to respond to, that will create the engaement you are looking for.

Tip #3. Don’t start off with…ok I think we’re live. It’s all for the replays.

You have to think about replays.  The majority of your views will come replays.  Be sure to start you video with content right away.

Tip #4. Schedule your lives – create an event.

By creating an event for when you go live, you will increase the number of people who will join your live.  It just adds to the fun!

Tip #5. Call it a show and have a co-host 

This just adds to the entertainment factor.

Content Ideas For Facebook Lives 

The biggest struggle I see real estate agents facing is what content should I produce that will create engagement. Here are some ideas:

Monday Trivia

I used to do a live show on my Facebook page called, Mathweg Monday Trivia.  I would ask a family feud style trivia question every Monday morning.  Something like “Name something you might see at a Milwaukee Brewer Baseball game”.  I would give away a $25 gift certificate to a local restaurant to the winner – the one who answered what we were thinking first.  If no one answered by the end of the day on Monday, we would post a clue on Tuesday.  Sometimes we’d go until Thursday or Friday before we got an answer.  We would get 2500-5000 organic views.


Go live with a list of your active buyers who can’t find what they are looking for.  Ask the question: Who do you know that has this kind of house?

Who has {Your City’s} best ____?

Go live and ask for people’s opinion on who has {your city’s} best – Food Type, Service Type, Atmosphere Type, Place Type, Activity Type and much more.

Real Estate Related Questions

This one can be borderline, as most real estate related topics don’t do well on social. Instead get them over on YouTube where they are social.

Questions like: What worries you most about buying a house? or How to get $18k over your list price. (Story about a listing that recently sold)

“Top 3” opinion posts with the question “what did I miss?”

Top 3 best places to market your home?

Top 3 best things to do to get your home ready for the market.

Top 3 best thing to make the most of an open house.

Top 5 reasons why ____ is an incredible community

This is just scratching the surface, and I would love to hear your Facebook Live ideas.  Please comment with them, along with a link to your Facebook Page if you’re going live.

21 Ways To Get New Listings for Real Estate Agents

21 Ways To Get New Listings for Real Estate Agents

Inventory is tight across the country and this week we share 21 ways to get listings for real estate agents.

  1. Facebook Marketplace – for rent “willing to sell?”
  2. Recent Expired – mailing or calling
  3. Old Expired – mailing for a buyer
  4. Open House – neighbors, buyers w/ houses to sell
  5. Leftover buyers – Letters to neighbors
  6. Lis Pendens – preforeclosure
  7. Post-auction sales
  8. Mailing letters for your buyers to neighborhoods
  9. Websites like offrs.com
  10. Referral sites like Dave Ramsey
  11. Corporate Relocation
  12. Seller seminar
  13. Facebook Ads
  14. Estate sales or letters to attorneys
  15. Divorce or letters to attorneys
  16. Senior Housing – Seminars
  17. FSBO’s – mailing or calling
  18. Farming – just sold – market value? I like Corefact.com
  19. Sphere of influence
  20. Investor-owned – mailing to non-owner occupied.
  21. Builders and developers – do they have a parcel that is not listed? Mail them a letter to list that property.

Disclosure: check your state laws, local association, AND your broker. These are ideas and may not be allowed in your market.

Why Real Estate Agents Should Be Vulnerable

Why Real Estate Agents Should Be Vulnerable

Do you struggle with being vulnerable in the content you create/document?

After my talk at Social Media Breakfast, I was talking with an attendee who was struggling to get started with creating content.

She has a lot of knowledge to share with the world, but she would have to include the stories of struggle in order to share the lessons. She has some corporate limitations to respect her employer, but beyond that, all other limitations are solely coming from her own limiting beliefs. Fears that are preventing her from breaking out of her shell.

She is afraid of being vulnerable (who isn’t?) and she admired my ability to do that. She asked how I did it and wondered how she could do the same.

I got thinking of what I shared with her and I thought it might be something others need to hear as well.

Here was my reply…

To remove the limiting beliefs you have, I need you to believe that your imperfections won’t push people away. Instead, it will draw your audience closer to you.

Simply put, PEOPLE CAN’T RELATE TO YOUR PERFECTION. So the more perfect you are the less connected your audience will be with you.

Once you believe that, you’ll come to this place where transparency and vulnerability help so many people around you, that you’ll forget that you’re even being vulnerable because all you want to do is help others.

Transparency is scary, no doubt. But when you encourage someone from your transparency you will see people flourish. And when you see others flourishing, you’ll want to see over and over again.

Seeing people flourish is like seeing a beautiful flower come from this tiny little seed. You’ll want to plant more and more seeds. You’ll want to see more and more flourish.

What else would you add to encourage someone to share their lessons even when it requires you to be vulnerable?

Real Estate Agents: 3 Ways To Get Unstuck

Real Estate Agents: 3 Ways To Get Unstuck

Is your real estate business stuck? If you’ve tried all kinds of things without success, I have the solution for you.

Learn how to identify what’s holding you back from a successful real estate career. Do these 3 simple things to breakthrough and get unstuck.

  1. Declutter your business. Trying too many new things month after month just makes things confusing. Focus on what’s actually driving your business. You can make it “look pretty” later. Avoid getting distracted by “shiny object syndrome.” 
  2. Get back to the basics. Keep it simple. Before you focus on more complex strategies, make sure you’ve got a good handle on the basics — what you KNOW will work. 
  3. Focus on your chase pillar. It’s something that can give you transactions right away. There’s a reason it’s early in the Agent Rise steps! It drives your business and gets things going for you. 

The three pillars in the Agent Rise Steps are your Sphere of Influence, the Chase, and Attraction. The Sphere of Influence pillar takes some time to grow, but could eventually lead to 80% of your business. If you’re not careful, the Attraction pillar will become a distraction. Remember, don’t neglect the Chase.

If you don’t Chase, you’ll get stuck! 

Real Estate Agents: 5 Steps To Breakthrough

Real Estate Agents: 5 Steps To Breakthrough

If you’re just getting started in real estate or feel like quitting, focus on these five most important steps first. If you do, you’ll be on your way to becoming the rookie agent of the year. You’ll get unstuck. You’ll be part of the 13% of agents who succeed!

Too many agents waste time on the wrong tasks. I’m this video we teach you to not waste your time making your real estate business look good before your business is actually driving forward and getting results. You can make it look pretty later!

Do these five steps and you’ll find the clarity you need to get results.

  1. Build a database of around 100. And don’t worry about a flashy CRM to organize them right now. Keep it super simple.
  2. Send an announcement letter. Let people know you need their support. Be vulnerable. People can’t relate to your perfection.
  3. Mail to your database monthly — snail mail! You’ll stay top-of-mind. When they need a REALTOR, they’ll think of you!
  4. Pick a chase pillar. This is the most important step. Open houses, FSBOs, expired listings, Facebook marketing. Pick something and do it!
  5. MatchMake. Do this an hour every day to convert the leads you get from your chase pillar.

There are 5 more steps to do after you work on these. For a complete list CLICK HERE.

Want more tips, expert interviews, and real-life stories? Join the Agent Rise community at our free Facebook Group – CLICK HERE.

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Do you struggle to have confidence in yourself?

Do you struggle to have confidence in yourself?

When I witness a break through in those I coach, it’s not because they found some magic pill that generates their success. Instead, the number one catalyst for growth is creating and maintaining a confidence mindset.

Scars from past experiences will continually hold us back if we let them. Choosing to believe lies and limiting beliefs is just that: a choice.

Neil MathwegYou don’t have to believe what that person said about you. You don’t have to let that failure or circumstance define you for the rest of your life.

You CAN break through even the most painful of pasts if you learn to cultivate confidence with a healthy mindset.

How you view other people will determine the health of your mindset. If you see other people as the enemy of your growth then you will never get to where you want to be.

Blaming others for your lack of results is a key characteristic of a scarcity mindset which breeds jealousy and creates an unhealthy need to constantly prove yourself.

If you take full ownership of your future and embrace the fact that the only person holding you back from growth is YOU, there is no limit to what you’ll be able to achieve.

Stop competing with other people and start challenging yourself.

Do you agree?

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