Amy McLendon Agent Rise Breakthrough: Designing Your Own Version Of Success (Episode 415)

Amy McLendon Agent Rise Breakthrough: Designing Your Own Version Of Success (Episode 415)

The Anatomy of Success: Amy McLendon on Transitioning from Nursing to Real Estate

The field of real estate is full of fascinating stories of growth, breakthroughs, and unexpected career changes. One such story is that of Amy McLendon, who transitioned from a 20-year nursing career to real estate, finding a new way to serve and help people.

A Career Shift Rooted in Passion

Amy spent two decades in nursing, primarily in the operating room, where she found her calling in helping others. But as a single mom, Amy needed more flexibility in her schedule. Her friend and fellow nurse Mindy, who had also transitioned into real estate, introduced her to the field. It wasn’t long before Amy realized that real estate provided another platform where she could continue her life’s mission of helping people.

Building a Business Around Relationships

From the get-go, Amy focused on what she knew best: building strong relationships. Her sphere of influence was nurtured through a multifaceted approach, incorporating social media, handwritten notes, client events, and monthly newsletters. She excelled in client care, turning most of her clients into friends and raving fans.

The Power of Coaching and Community

The Agent Rise coaching system played a pivotal role in Amy’s journey. As a newcomer in real estate, Amy was overwhelmed, but Agent Rise gave her the confidence and structure she needed. She credits the coaching and community for not only teaching her the ropes but also for inspiring her to make bold moves, such as creating off-market opportunities for her clients.

A Focus on the Future

Now, Amy plans to use her nursing background to specialize in serving in senior living. She recognized the increasing need for real estate services geared towards seniors, making it a natural next step in her career.

The Key Takeaway

The biggest lesson to be learned from Amy’s story is that real estate is not solely about houses; it’s about people. And nobody exemplifies this better than Amy McLendon, who has built her career on strong relationships and a genuine desire to help others. If you’re looking to break into real estate or are seeking ways to reinvent your current practice, focusing on authentic relationships might just be the key to your success, too.

Now let’s find YOUR breakthrough!

If you have ever thought about joining us at Agent Rise, now is a perfect time to do so, because on Sept 21st we begin Agent Rise Bootcamp LIVE.  Book your discovery call today!

Unlocking Agent Breakthroughs: The Stories Behind Real Estate’s Rising Stars (Episode 414)

Unlocking Agent Breakthroughs: The Stories Behind Real Estate’s Rising Stars (Episode 414)

Unlocking Agent Breakthroughs: The Stories Behind Real Estate’s Rising Stars

When it comes to embarking on the journey of a real estate agent, there’s no one-size-fits-all path. Every agent’s story is unique, and the challenges faced by each are personal and distinct. Neil Mathweg, alongside co-hosts Mindi Kessenich and TJ McGraw, shared some truly inspiring breakthroughs in a recent episode of the “Agent Rise” podcast. Today, we dive into these riveting tales of agents who defied the odds and broke through barriers, proving that with determination, the right guidance, and a touch of resilience, success is achievable.

Amy McLendon: From the Operating Room to Real Estate Glory

Amy McLendon’s journey is an embodiment of grit and tenacity. When you think of individuals who possess that rare, unyielding determination to overcome obstacles and defy odds, Amy stands tall among them. What’s particularly remarkable about her is this intrinsic fire, this fight that she carries within, something that no classroom or coaching session can instill.

From our very first interaction, it was evident that Amy wasn’t just another agent seeking to make her mark. She brought to the table an unwavering spirit that seemed to shout, “I will not give up!” Every challenge, every setback she faced was met with a resilience that is, frankly, awe-inspiring. Her approach to real estate isn’t merely transactional; it’s a testament to her character, her refusal to be defeated, and her commitment to carve out success on her own terms.

There have been countless times where she’s faced hurdles that would deter the average person. But Amy? She views these as mere stepping stones, as lessons to evolve and grow. I often find myself telling newcomers about Amy’s story, not just as a tale of success in real estate but as a lesson in the power of indomitable spirit and determination. In our industry, while skills can be taught and strategies can be learned, the kind of grit Amy possesses is a rare gift. She is a living testament to the fact that when you couple skills with unshakeable determination, the sky’s the limit.

Michael Caraway: From Uncertainty to Unstoppable

Michael Caraway’s story is an inspiring testament to the power of mindset and self-belief. When he first began his journey with us, there was evident potential in him, but he was also shadowed by doubts and hesitations. But what’s incredible about Michael is that he wasn’t just content in recognizing those uncertainties; he was determined to confront and transform them.

Through our time together, it wasn’t just about real estate techniques or sales strategies; it was also a deep dive into reshaping the way Michael perceived his possibilities. He began challenging the self-imposed limits, seeking ways to manifest the life he deeply desired. With every coaching session, I witnessed a man growing in confidence, a man shifting from wondering if he could achieve his dreams to planning how he was going to achieve them.

Today, Michael stands out as an emblem of change and ambition. His belief in the life he wants to lead is infectious, inspiring not only his peers but also those new to the real estate realm. It’s not just about selling properties for Michael; it’s about creating a reality shaped by positive thinking and unwavering determination. Our discussions often revolve around his visions, his dreams, and how he’s crafting the steps to make them tangible. Michael Caraway’s journey underscores the adage: change your thoughts, and you change your world.

Matt Gatewood: From Overwhelm to Clarity

Matt Gatewood’s evolution in the real estate realm is nothing short of remarkable. He began his journey with the raw energy and passion of an eager agent, ready to make his mark. But what always stood out was his larger vision for himself and his career. Through the Agent Rise method, Matt not only honed his skills as a stellar agent, but he began to develop an understanding of the broader mechanics of the real estate business.

As weeks turned into months, it became clear that he wasn’t just destined to be a standout agent; he was building the foundations to be a leader in the industry. His questions evolved, his strategy sessions grew more in-depth, and he began discussing broader team dynamics and business structures. And then, with the same commitment and drive he brought to every property sale, he took that monumental leap and became a broker/owner.

Today, Matt’s name is not only synonymous with reliability and excellence in service but also with mentorship and leadership in real estate. He’s a shining example of how one can transition from an individual contributor to a leader who shapes the future of the industry. In coaching sessions now, our conversations not only revolve around sales strategies but also on team-building, agency growth, and establishing a legacy. It’s a privilege to witness his journey, from a tenacious agent to a dynamic broker/owner.

Katie Skeen: Embodying the Spirit of Resilience and Tenacity

I must say, Katie Skeen’s journey is truly emblematic of tenacity and grit. There were moments when I wondered if the weight of her determination might challenge the structure of the Agent Rise methodology itself. From day one, she approached the program with a challenge: she intended to put Agent Rise to the ultimate test. Every week, without fail, she was relentless in engaging her numbers. She religiously followed her three-pillar plan. Not a day went by that she wasn’t day-blocking, organizing her tasks using the Agent Rise planner, launching her YouTube channel, maintaining an active social media presence, consistently reaching out to her sphere, holding client events, and more. She was doing everything, executing every step to the letter.

But it wasn’t just about following steps. It was about her spirit. The fire in her eyes was palpable, even on the toughest days when she questioned whether she would ever break through. And then, it happened. Her hard work, her relentless drive, and her unwavering faith in the process bore fruit. She didn’t just achieve her goals, she shattered them – hitting her annual targets merely halfway through the year. Coaching her now is about preparing her for the tidal wave of success that’s coming her way. Every agent has a story, but Katie’s stands out for her refusal to back down, her commitment to the grind, and her raw determination to succeed.

Robert Taylor: From Firefighter to Neighborhood Realtor

Robert Taylor’s journey in real estate is a testament to vision-driven commitment. The concept of farming, for many, is seen as a long-term game, one that’s fraught with significant expenses and an uncertain timeline for returns. It’s not unusual to hear seasoned agents advising newcomers to steer clear of this approach, especially given the prolonged waiting period before one sees a genuine return on investment.

But Robert? He saw things differently. Instead of viewing farming as merely a costly venture, he perceived it as an opportunity, a niche where he could make his indelible mark. He wasn’t blinded by the immediate costs or the waiting game. Instead, Robert was propelled by a distinct vision, one where consistent efforts in a specific geographical area would yield long-term relationships and, ultimately, business success.

It’s no small feat to dive headfirst into an arena where the payoffs aren’t immediate, and costs can be steep. But Robert navigated this challenging landscape with unwavering resolve. His approach wasn’t just about mailers or localized marketing; it was about building a reputation, laying down roots, and becoming the go-to expert for that community.

While many might have buckled under the pressure of upfront costs and the patience required for farming, Robert’s vision-driven strategy proved that with clarity of purpose and steadfast dedication, one can turn traditional wisdom on its head. Today, as we witness his success and the respect he’s garnered in his chosen farm area, it’s clear that Robert’s vision wasn’t just about immediate gains but a long-term legacy in the world of real estate.


How To Take The Lead With Real Estate Lead Magnets – Episode 413

How To Take The Lead With Real Estate Lead Magnets – Episode 413

Discover the New Age of Real Estate Lead Magnets

Lead magnets in real estate has changed a lot. They’ve moved from just being content to genuine value offers. The recent Agent Rise Podcast digs deep into this change.

Neil Mathweg’s Take: With years of experience, Neil has watched and adapted to the shifts in lead magnets. He’s gone from sending out home-selling tips by mail to harnessing YouTube today. He fondly recalls older methods like offering relocation advice but stresses the current need to focus more on providing true value than just content.

YouTube’s Power: Mindi Kessenich loves YouTube. For her, it’s more than just a video platform; it’s a powerful tool to connect with potential clients. By just being real and not sticking to strict scripts, she’s drawn in people who feel they know her even before meeting. It’s about reaching the right audience, not the largest one.

Staying Connected: Realtors understand the value of their network. But, how often do they really connect with it? Neil finds consistency in newsletters vital, even if some find it cheesy. Mindi agrees, underlining the need for regular touchpoints.

To sum it up, even as the methods change, the heart of a lead magnet remains – offer true value. As real estate trends shift, staying updated and using modern lead magnets will help agents stand out.

Dominate Your Market with Powerful Lead Magnets! Harness the Agent Rise framework for YouTube, Social Media, FSBOs, Expireds, and beyond. Secure your strategy session now at!

real estate lead magnets

real estate lead magnets


Less Is More – How To Strip Your Social Media for Lead Generation for Real Estate Agents – Episode 412

Less Is More – How To Strip Your Social Media for Lead Generation for Real Estate Agents – Episode 412

Social media, a double-edged sword, can be a boon for many but a bane for real estate agents if not used effectively. On the recent episode of Agent Rise, Neil Mathweg and Mindy Kessenich provided valuable insights on how agents can master the art of social media without feeling overwhelmed.

1. Social Media Overwhelm: The Reality With multiple platforms to choose from – Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, reels, long and short-form videos – it’s easy for agents to get lost in the maze.

2. The Solution: Simplification

  • Personal Vs. Business Page: The duo recommends focusing on personal pages for engagement. While business pages serve a purpose, the engagement isn’t as organic unless you’re willing to pay for it.
  • Content Planning: The introduction of monthly content planning in the Agent Rise members group is a game-changer, helping agents be more strategic and less impulsive.

3. Time Management and Social Media Addiction Mindy touches upon the silent addiction many face – the pull of social media. By having a solid content plan, agents can ensure they’re making the most of their time online without getting sucked into the void.

4. Social Content Vs. Searchable Content Neil introduces an essential distinction. While social content aims for engagement and visibility, searchable content (like YouTube videos or blogs) targets a more global audience, helping with SEO and bringing in leads.

5. The ‘See, Like, Engage’ Framework This simple strategy ensures agents remain top-of-mind for their audience. By rotating between posts that showcase them as agents, personal posts that let people connect with them, and highly engaging content, agents can effectively manage their social media persona.

In conclusion, mastering social media doesn’t require agents to be everywhere at once. By focusing on the right platforms, creating purposeful content, and engaging authentically, agents can use social media as a powerful tool to boost their careers.

Resources and Links mentioned in this episode:

Price It Right: Winning Strategies for Every Listing (A Real Estate Agent’s Guide) – Episode 411

Price It Right: Winning Strategies for Every Listing (A Real Estate Agent’s Guide) – Episode 411

For every real estate agent, there’s a moment in their career when they’re faced with a daunting task – determining the right price for a property. It’s not just about matching market expectations, but about striking a delicate balance between what the seller hopes to get and what the buyer is willing to pay.

In this episode of the Agent Rise Podcast, Mindi Kessenich and Neil Mathweg shed light on this intricate dance. Neil shares a heartfelt story about a past client who chose another agent because he didn’t believe in the price she hoped for. This incident wasn’t just about the lost listing for Neil, but a profound lesson in the importance of understanding and working collaboratively with clients on pricing decisions.

Mindi highlights a critical point – pricing isn’t about dictating a number but offering a perspective. As real estate agents, we are armed with data, comparable market analyses, and years of experience. Yet, the pricing process is a collaboration, where both the agent and the homeowner arrive at the final number together.

But it’s not just about the price tag. It’s about the strategy. Do you want to go the retail route, set a fair price, or try an auction approach? Every property, every seller, and every market situation is unique. It’s crucial for agents to be flexible in their approach and to be equipped with multiple strategies to find the perfect fit.

In the ever-evolving world of real estate, where market conditions can change overnight, understanding the art of pricing is crucial. Listening to clients, conducting thorough research, and being willing to adapt are the cornerstones of ensuring every property is priced right.

Resources and Links mentioned in this episode:

And connect with me on ANY of the following social channels. I LOVE social!

Unlock the Secrets to Surpass Your Real Estate Career’s Upper Limit – Episode 410

Unlock the Secrets to Surpass Your Real Estate Career’s Upper Limit – Episode 410

Breaking through Upper Limits in Real Estate: A Discussion with Neil Mathweg and Mindi Kessenich

Are you a real estate agent dreaming without boundaries, yet you’re facing an invisible ceiling? Then this conversation on overcoming upper limits in real estate with Neil Mathweg and Mindi Kessenich might be the resource you need to keep going.

Defining Upper Limits in Real Estate

Every real estate agent dreams and visualizes their career with the lid off, having grand visions of success and prosperity. However, there are times when things don’t go as planned. Mindi and Neil call this experience an encounter with the ‘upper limit.’

Mindi shares her personal struggle of team building in her career. Her initial attempts didn’t go as envisioned, leading her to abandon the idea and believe that it wasn’t for her. Many agents might resonate with this; they’ve likely had experiences where they felt team leadership was just too hard, or perhaps, not their cup of tea. But what if this is just an upper limit, a barrier we’ve set for ourselves that we need to conquer?

The Science Behind Upper Limits

Neil defines the upper limit as a product of your conscious and subconscious mind. Your conscious mind has a vision of where you’re going and what you want to achieve. However, your subconscious mind might not be ready to accept that vision because it’s afraid or has other beliefs that stand in the way. Essentially, your subconscious is always looking to return you to your comfort zone.

The trick, then, is to train your subconscious to align with your conscious mind. The subconscious, originally designed to keep us safe from physical harm, has now evolved into a protective shield against social dangers like failure and rejection. Therefore, to break through upper limits, you must work at reprogramming your subconscious to accept your big dreams.

Confronting and Overcoming Upper Limits

Retraining your subconscious mind is not a walk in the park; it requires constant repetition and reaffirmation of what you consciously believe. As you keep reinforcing these beliefs, you will start to see your subconscious catch up, leading to the breaking of upper limits.

Mindi cites her own experience in team building where she pushed through her upper limit after realizing that her fear of failure was the biggest impediment. With coaching and a strong desire to succeed, she managed to build a successful team, proving that she could push through her fears.

Fear is a major contributing factor to upper limits in real estate. As Ralph Waldo Emerson once said, “Fear defeats more people than any other one thing in the world.” Having a coach, a support system, or a mentor can greatly help in pushing through these fears and achieving what you once thought impossible.

The Bottom Line

Every real estate agent has a dream. If you’ve ever considered team building or any other ambitious project but have backed off due to fear, remember: that dream was planted in your heart for a reason. It’s crucial to confront the fear that creates your upper limits, and with the right mindset, guidance, and commitment, you can overcome them. After all, success lies on the other side of fear.

Remember, our subconscious has a purpose: to protect us. But in this modern era, where our fears have transitioned from physical dangers to social threats, it’s crucial to reprogram our subconscious to align with our big dreams. Only then can we truly break through our upper limits and achieve the success we envision.

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